Kritische Soziologie meets Critical Realism. A Dialogue between Social Research, Social Theory and Philosophy of Science

Kritische Soziologie meets Critical Realism. A Dialogue between Social Research, Social Theory and Philosophy of Science

DFG-Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften Jena
Fürstengraben 27, großer Rosensaal
Vom - Bis
01.02.2013 - 03.02.2013
Dimitri Mader

Since the 1970s Critical Realism has been developed as a theoretical framework that opens up new directions within the social sciences and social theory. Against the alternatives of positivism and hermeneutics as well as their current ramifications, Critical Realism offers a combination of ontological realism and constructionist epistemology, a non-reductive naturalism that situates the social within the natural realm, a social theory that emphasises the importance of social structures and human agency without neglecting the role of culture, and finally an ethics that is both emancipatory and close to everyday concerns. The goal of the conference is to introduce this primarily Anglo-Saxon approach to German speaking social scientists, set it into communication with local perspectives, and, in doing so, initiate a dialogue between different traditions of critical thinking.


Friday, February 1st

17h – 18h
Introduction: Promoting Critical Realism in the German Speaking Academia – Basic Interventions, Developments and the Idea of the Conference
Urs Lindner (Zurich), Dimitri Mader (Jena) and Hans Pühretmayer (Vienna)

18h – 19h30
Dialogue: Social Morphogenesis and Acceleration
Margaret Archer (Lausanne): Why Realism needs Reflexivity
Hartmut Rosa (Jena): The Speed of Social Change and the Forms of Human Reflexivity. A Three-Stage-Model

Saturday, February 2nd

09h30 – 11h
Dialogue: Philosophy of Science and Ecological Economics
Clive Spash (Vienna): New Foundations for Ecological Economics
Barbara Muraca (Jena): Whitehead's Philosophy as a Foundation for Ecological Economics?

11h – 11h30 Coffee Break

11h30 – 13h
Dialogue: Social Ontology, Gender and Intersectionality
Sue Clegg (Leeds): Contributions of the Morphogenetic Approach to Feminism and the Perspective of Intersectionality
Ina Kerner (Berlin): Differences and Power. A Foucauldian Perspective on Intersectionality

13h – 14h30 Lunch

14h30 – 17h
Individual Presentations
Hartwig Schuck (Berlin): Power and Domination. A Realist View
Heiner Koch (Tübingen): Intentionality and the Social Ontology of Domination
Georg Gangl (Leiden): Critical Realism and Historical Theory
Elmar Flatschart (Vienna): Dialectical Traditions and Critical Realism
David Strecker (Jena): Reflexive Habitus. Making Sense of an Oxymoron

17h – 17h30 Coffee Break

17h30 – 19h
Dialogue: Social Science, Ethics and Critique
Andrew Sayer (Lancaster): Normativity and the Importance of Naturalism
Robin Celikates (Amsterdam): Immanent Critique and the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory

Sunday, February 3rd

9h30 – 11h
Dialogue: Critical Realism, Political Economy and the Current Crisis of Capitalism
Steve Fleetwood (Lancaster): Ontology and the Current Crisis
Frieder Otto Wolf (Berlin): How can Marx's Critique of Political Economy and Critical Realism help us to understand the Present Crisis?

11h – 11h30 Coffee Break

11h30 – 13h
Dialogue: The Emergence of Social Structures and Agencies
Dave Elder-Vass (Loughborough): Critical Realism and the Causal Power of Social Structures
Uwe Schimank (Bremen): How can Social Structures cause Something?


Dimitri Mader

Kolleg Postwachstum, Humboldtstr. 34, 07743 Jena
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