Medieval Reading Group Berlin

Medieval Reading Group Berlin

Centre for British Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Centre for British Studies, Mohrenstrasse 60, 10117 Berlin
Vom - Bis
19.03.2013 -
Erik Spindler, IUAP City and Society in the Low Countries, 1200-1500. , Université Libre de Bruxelles

The Medieval Reading Group Berlin is an inter-disciplinary forum for discussing the Middle Ages.

Please do consider attending if:
- you have an interest in the Middle Ages (even if your primary work is on pre- and post-medieval periods),
- you are engaged in academic research (whether or not you are currently employed by a higher education institution),
- you use English as your first, main or preferred language.

The Reading Group will meet on Tuesday 19 March 2013 at 5.15pm at the Centre for British Studies, Mohrenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin (U-Bahn Stadtmitte or Mohrenstraße).

Drinks will be provided.

Please indicate your intention to come by messaging (one of) the convenors:
Dr Marcela Perett, European College of Liberal Arts:
Dr Erik Spindler, Centre for British Studies, HU Berlin:

We would like to meet on a regular basis: please let us know if you are interested in the reading group, but are unable to attend on this occasion.


The set reading is: Len Scales, The shaping of German identity: authority and crisis, 1245-1414 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), ch. 7: ‘Trojans, giants and other Germans: peoplehoods forgotten, remembered and relocated’, 295-352. Copies are available at FU (e-book), HU (Grimm-Zentrum), Stabi (Potsdamer Straße), or from

Please read the set text in advance. The meeting will involve a structured discussion of the text, as well as a discussion of participants’ research interests.


Erik Spindler

Centre for British Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

030 2093 99053