Digital Testimonies on War and Trauma

Digital Testimonies on War and Trauma

Erasmus studio, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Vom - Bis
12.06.2013 - 14.06.2013
Laura Boerhout

To mark the completion of the video-life stories project Croatian Memories (CroMe) the Erasmus Studio will host the international, multi-disciplinary conference "Digital Testimonies on War and Trauma" at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 12-14 June 2013.

The conference intends to be a meeting point for those interested in and engaged with audio visual testimonies related to war and peace, trauma and memory and history and remembrance. Special attention will be devoted to personal narratives from the Western Balkan region and to testimonies created in the courtroom in the context of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

Researchers and practitioners working with oral history, archives and ICT, be it from an academic, educational, journalistic or human rights perspective, are cordially invited to participate and sign up.

The registration fee is €75 for three days and for (PhD) students no fee will be charged when a copy of a student ID is submitted. See for more information.


Keynote speakers

“Forced Labor 1939-1945”
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Apostolopoulos - Free University of Berlin
Director Competence Centre e-Learning / Multimedia and ICT specialist

Dr. Alexander van Plato - Fern University of Hagen
Director Centre for History and Biography and curator

“Korsakow Database Cinema”
Dr. Steven High - Concordia University Montreal
Co-director Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling

Prof. Liz Miller - Concordia University Montreal
Professor of Communications and filmmaker

“Oral History in the Digital Age”
Prof. Dr. Doug Oard - University of Maryland
Professor of Information Sciences

Prof. Dr. Mark Kornbluh -University of Kentucky
Professor of History.

Special sessions
Apart from the regular sessions three special sessions are scheduled focussing on:

- The making of the "Croatian Memories" Collection: Narratives on War and Detention
(Chair: Documenta - Center for Dealing with the Past, Zagreb)
- Audiovisual histories in the courtroom of the International Criminal Tribunal of the Former Yugoslavia
(Chair: Prof. Dr. Eric Ketelaar)
- PhD Masterclass: Memory of Conflicts
(Chair: Prof. Dr. Julia Noordegraaf) - still spots available!


Laura Boerhout

Erasmus Studio, Rotterdam
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