Southern Historical Association's Annual Conference

Southern Historical Association's Annual Conference

The EHS Program Committee: David Cameron (Southeast Missouri State University); Alex d'Erizans (Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY); Jeffrey D. Burson (Georgia Southern University)
Atlanta, GA
United States
Vom - Bis
13.11.2014 - 16.11.2014
Alex d’Erizans, Department of Social Sciences and Human Services, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY

The European History Section of the Southern Historical Association invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels for presentation at its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, November 13-16, 2014. Papers on any aspect of European history, covering any time period, are welcome. The program committee especially encourages proposals involving comparative history, such as Europe and the Americas, Europe and Africa, or Europe and Asia. In recognition that 2014 is the centenary of the beginning of the First World War, the committee also encourages proposals related to European history in the era of the Great War.

Panels should consist of two or three papers, a commentator, and a chair. Doctoral students, as well as faculty members and independent scholars are welcome to submit individual papers or panels. A panel should not consist exclusively of graduate students.

Submissions should include an abstract of approximately 250 words for each paper and a short (1-2 page) c.v. of each panelist. In the case of panels, please include the title of the panel, the name, contact information, and affiliation of the panel organizer, and a one page description of the topic and its rationale as a coherent panel. Proposals must be received by September 15, 2013. Panelists must be current members of the EHS at the time of the Conference of 2014.



David Cameron

Southeast Missouri State University

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