Sources in the History of Mathematics. Instructional Conference

Sources in the History of Mathematics. Instructional Conference

GDR 3398 "Histoire des mathématiques" du CNRS
Luminy (bei Marseille)
Vom - Bis
04.11.2013 - 08.11.2013
Norbert Schappacher

Der GDR "Histoire des mathématiques" organisiert vom 4. bis 8. November am CIRM (Luminy, bei Marseille) eine Schule zum Thema "Sources in the History of Mathematics", die sich speziell an junge Forscher im Gebiet der Mathematikgeschichte wendet.

Alle Interessenten sind eingeladen, sich vorläufig einzuschreiben - siehe pre-registration auf der u.a. Webseite. Wir hoffen, alle Interesenten auf unsere Kosten im CIRM unterbringen zu können.

Eventuelle Reisemittel nur nach Anfrage.

Die offizielle Einschreibung beim CIRM wird ab 19.8. möglich sein.

Norbert Schappacher


This School is principally organised for the benefit of young researchers in the history of mathematics. It contains three thematic units ("blocks") each one of which contains one plenary lecture course (two sessions) and three workshops for smaller groups. On the whole, half of the units are going to be presented in English, the other half in French. A more detailed version of the School will soon be available on a special website.

Block 1 : The variety of mathematical sources and the question of their interpretation.
Organizers : Karine Chemla, Renaud Chorlay, Baptiste Melès.

The lecture course of this block will be given by Karine Chemla (CNRS—SPHERE & Projet ERC SAW) :
The constitution of mathematical documents: Elementary pieces and arrangements.
Language : English.

Workshop 1 (in English). Algorithms as texts
(Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW), Baptiste Mélès (Post-doctorant, Archives Henri Poincaré)).
Sanskrit, resp. Chinese sources will be studied from various perspectives.

Workshop 2 (in French). The writing of numbers and quantities. Perspectives from cuneiform sources
(Cécile Michel (CNRS, ArScAn-HAROC), Christine Proust (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)).
The writing of numbers and measures in various groups of cunéiforme texts, as well as their modern editions will be at the center of this workshop.

Workshop 3 (in English). Arrangement and textual structures of sources : what is historiographically at stake?
(Renaud Chorlay (Université Paris IV & SPHERE), Dominique Tournès (Université de la Réunion & SPHERE)).
Dominique Tournès will first make the audience analyze a collection of numerical tables designed at various times and in different contexts. As for Renaud Chorlay, he will invite participants to work on Elie Cartan’s La théorie des groupes finis et continus et la géométrie différentielle traitées par la méthode du repère mobile (Theory of finite and continuous groups and differential geometry dealt with by means of the moving frame), Gauthier-Villars: Paris 1937.

Block 2 : Constructing collectives of texts.
Organizers : Frédéric Brechenmacher, Hélène Gispert.

The lecture course will be presented by the two organizers. It will shed light on recent research work in the history of mathematics of the 19th-20th centuries by appealing to two different methods for bringing texts together. On the one hand, the networks of texts constructed by intertextual investigations provide a heuristical method for discovering some collective dimensions of mathematics. On the other hand, a close attention to the material support on which texts are published raises the issue of constructing corpuses by appealing to some preexisting collections (such as the one constituted by the papers published in a single journal).

Workshop 1. Constructions based on relations
(Jenny Boucard, Frédéric Brechenmacher).

This workshop will provides a constructive approach of the heuristic dimension of intertextual investigations for identifying some collective dimensions of mathematics, which may remain hidden to other approaches.

Workshop 2.
Constructions based on a journal
(Jeanne Peiffer, Philippe Nabonnand).

This workshop will develop two effective and practical constructions of corpuses by appealing to some recent researches on periodicals. The participants will have the opportunity to practice the reality of the methodological requirements and difficulties of such constructions, ad well as to grasp their potentialities.

Workshop 3.
What is a mathematical corpus of the latin medieval world ?
(Matthieu Husson, Sabine Rommevaux).

At first sight, the corpus of purely mathematical texts in the latin medieval world may seem not only very small but also reduced to the perpetuation of the traditions of Boèce's arithmetics and Euclide's Elements. Yet, in order to appreciate medieval mathematics, one has to take into account several other disciplines, such as theology, physics, music, astronomy, or optics.

Block 3 : Evolution of methods and practices of editing mathematical texts in the digital age

Organizers : Fabio Acerbi, Alexandre Guilbaud.

The lecture course will be presented by the two organizers :
Introduction to problems and methods of editing mathematical texts
Language : English.
In the workshops, Bernard Vitrac will propose a Greek metrological corpus of texts ; Irène Passeron will tackle the question of how to edit a corpus of letters, via concrete examples, in particular from the 18th century. Another workshop will deal with the encoding and description of mathematical and textual data in the digital age.


Für more information on the programme and for pre-registration, please consult the url of the GDR:


Norbert Schappacher

Sébastien Gauthier
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Französisch
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