Postgraduate Students' Conference

Postgraduate Students' Conference

German Historical Institute London
17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ ,UK
London, UK
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
09.01.2014 - 10.01.2014
German Historical Institute London

Postgraduate Students' Conference

This conference is for PhD students studying German History at a UK/Irish university from the middle ages through to contemporary. It is especially suitable for 2nd year PhD Students to assist using research facilities and obtaining grants.

The German Historical Institute London will hold its 18th postgraduate students' conference on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 January 2014. Its intention is to give postgraduate research students from the UK and Ireland working on German history an opportunity to present their work-in-progress and to discuss this with other students working in the same field. The Institute also aims to present itself as a research centre for German history in London and to introduce postgraduates to the facilities it offers as well as to the Institute's Research Fellows.

Please note that all 2nd and 3rd year students are encouraged to present a paper on their PhD project.

On the morning of Thursday 9 January 2014 a Paleography course on German handwriting is planned. Should you wish to take part in this course, please register your interest.

If you wish to attend next year's postgraduate students' conference (Thursday 9 to Friday 10 January 2014), please email: before 30 November 2013 confirming the following details:

- full contact details (including email address and telephone number),
- the exact title of your project,
- the date you started your project,
- the name, address, email address and phone number of your university and supervisor,
- confirmation whether you have undertaken research in Germany.
- confirm whether you wish to participate in the Paleography course scheduled for the morning of Thursday 9 January 2014.

Please note that accommodation and/or travel reimbursement claims can only be considered for those eligible from within the UK/Ireland (not from other countries) and for those who attend the entire event.



Anita Bellamy

GHIL 17 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NJ, UK
+44 207 309 2023
+44 207 309 2073
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