Paupers in the Midst of Others. Orphans and Abandoned Children in Europe (18th-20th centuries)

Paupers in the Midst of Others. Orphans and Abandoned Children in Europe (18th-20th centuries)

''Nicolae Iorga'' Institute of History
Vom - Bis
03.10.2013 - 04.10.2013
Nicoleta Roman

This two-day workshop will focus on orphans and abandoned children as two distinct categories. The main themes of discussion are: state, institutions and social policies; children and community; children and family. The workshop will gather scholars from Western and Central and South-Eastern Europe in an attempt to exchange ideas and research results.


3 October
9:00–10:15 Registration
10:15 Welcoming
10:30 Introduction
10:45 Announcing another project
Francesca Lomastro, Institute of Historical Research, Vicenza; Flores Reggiani, University of Milan, Childhood and assistance: a work in progress European project

I. Entering in Modernity
Chair : Silvia Sovič, formerly Institute of Historical Research

1) Alessandro Stella, Centre de Recherches Historiques – EHESS
L'abandon des enfants mulâtres en Espagne à l'époque moderne
2) Giovanna da Molin, Angela Carbone, Annamaria Gaetano da Pinto, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Italian assistance pattern to orphans between 18th and 19th centuries
3) Rina Kralj-Brassard, Institute of Historical Studies – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Children of the Commune: Care for the Abandoned Children in the Early Modern Dubrovnik

12:30–14:30 Lunch break

II. The Nation, the State and its Citizens
Chair: Alessandro Stella
Centre de Recherches Historiques - EHESS
1) Vincent Gourdon, Centre Roland Mousnier – Paris Sorbonne University
Faut-il baptiser les enfants abandonnés ? Le cas francais, XVIIe début XX siècle
2) Steven J. Taylor, School of Historical Studies – University of Leicester
Fictive Orphans: Poverty, Childhood and Emigration in Late 19th Century Manchester
3) Keely Stauter-Halsted, University of Illinois
Saving Children in the Polish Way: Building the Nation through Foundlings Care in Partitioned Poland

16:10–16:30 Coffee break

4) Constantin Bărbulescu, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca
The Nation's Children. Legislation, Institutions and Orphans in Romania (1862–1916)
5) Melissa Hibbard, University of Illinois
A Family Home for Poland's Children: The Development of Foster Care in Interwar Poland
6) Luciana Jinga, Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile
Les enfants de Nicolae Ceauşescu : le quotidien dans les orphelinats roumains dans les années 1970–1980

19: 00 Dinner

4 October 2013

I. From countryside to the city. A social network around the child
Chair: Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu,
"Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History – Romanian Academy
1) Isabelle Robin-Romero, Centre Roland Mousnier – Paris Sorbonne University
Un projet de placement des enfants abandonnés de Paris à la campagne dans les années 1760
2) Nicoleta Roman, "Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History – Romanian Academy
In Bucharest's suburbs: abandoned children, wetnurses and community (1831–1860)
3) Barbara Revuelta-Eugercios, Institut National d’Études Démographiques, Paris
How to keep foundlings alive: infant feeding and the determinants of placement with wetnurses in La Inclusa de Madrid, 1890–1935

11:15–11:30 Coffee break

II. Giving the child a name and a place in society
Chair: Vincent Gourdon,
Centre Roland Mousnier – Paris Sorbonne University

1) Christina Benninghaus, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
,,Beautiful 14months–old boy offered for adoption'' – The emergence of the adoptable child, Germany, 1880–1930
2) Pakot Levente, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Broken Life Courses? Parental death, remarriage and child survival: A micro-level study of two communities in central-eastern Transylvania, 1857–1941

12:30–13:30 Coffee break

III. A path for the child: education or work?
Chair: Isabelle Robin-Romero
Centre Roland Mousnier – Paris Sorbonne University

1) Tobias Schmidt, University of Siegen
The Soleti's Seminar
2) Margarita Dobreva, Institute for Balkan Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Science
Educating Homeless and Orphan Children: the Artisan Schools of the Danube Vilayet (1860–1870)
3) Isabelle Grenut, TELEMME – Aix-Marseille University
Les enfants admis à l'Assistance publique dans les Basses-Alpes (France) à la fin du XIXe siècle (1874–1904) : modalités de formation et d'insertion professionnelle?

Closing session


Nicoleta Roman

''Nicolae Iorga'' Institute of History, Bucharest

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