(Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968

(Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968

Stefan Couperus, Utrecht University; Harm Kaal, Radboud University Nijmegen
Soeterbeeck Study Center, Elleboogstraat 2, Ravenstein, The Netherlands
Ravenstein (near Nijmegen)
Vom - Bis
18.12.2013 - 20.12.2013
Harm Kaal, Department of History, Art History and Classics, Chair Group of Political History, Radboud University

The construction of communities has been at the heart of inter- and post-war discourses of (re)construction, in the fascist regimes of the interwar years, in communist Eastern Europe, as well as in the democratic West. Building on political and scientific discourses of community-building, and infused by the traumatic ruptures in (local) society during the First and Second World War, the idea of creating and sustaining social coherence became a shared consensus. At various levels, and referring to a variety of collectives, ‘community’ – Gemeinschaft, gemeenschap, communauté etc. – was perceived as imperative for stability, prosperity and welfare.

This conference addresses the various discourses and conceptions of community, that circulated in Europe from the end of the First World War up until the late 1960s, by bringing together scholars working on local (rural and urban), national, transnational, moral, political and cultural communities. We take such a multilevel perspective, because we contend that the efforts to (re)construct communities discussed here, were shaped by a similar set of ideas and mechanisms.

Three renowned scholars in this field of study will deliver keynote lectures on each of the three days of our conference: Dr Jon Lawrence (University of Cambridge), Prof Dr Stefan Berger (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Prof Dr Rosemary Wakeman (Fordham University).

To register please send an email to communitiesconference@gmail.com
The conference fee (which includes lunch and drinks) is € 70 (student fee: € 50). Single-day attendance: € 30 (student fee: € 20)
The deadline for registration is 1 November 2013. Space is limited; we work on a first-come basis.

If you want to stay overnight, we advise you to book a room at a hotel in Nijmegen – the rooms at the Study Center are fully booked. See: http://www.hotels.nl/nijmegen/


Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Registration and Welcome

Introduction: Stefan Couperus (Utrecht)

Keynote 1: Jon Lawrence (Cambridge): Languages of place and belonging in England from the 1930s to the 1960s
chair: Harm Kaal

Panel I: Forging the local
chair: Harm Kaal

Liesbeth van de Grift (Nijmegen): Farming communities as a source of national strength: Sweden and Germany, 1890-1930
Natalia Starostina (Young Harris): Cheminot garden-cities and the practices of paternalism and social control in interwar France: extolling virtue or generating boredom?
Jeremy DeWaal (Vanderbilt): The turn to local communities in early postwar West Germany: the case of Hamburg, Lübeck, and Bremen, 1945-1965
Stefan Couperus (Utrecht): The invention of the neighbourhood as a body politic, 1930-1950

17.00-18.00 Drinks

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Keynote 2: Stefan Berger (Bochum): Constructing National Communities Through History in Europe: from Hyper-Nationalism to the Search for Alternative National Histories, 1918 to the long 1960s
chair: Wim van Meurs (Nijmegen)

Panel II: Questioning nationhood in the interwar period
chair: Wim van Meurs (Nijmegen)

Irina Nastasa-Matei (Gheorghe Sincai): Reshaping identity: the Transylvanian Saxons during the interwar period
Ronald Kroeze (VU Amsterdam): The problem of building a moral community in a pluralist country: the case-Oss
Fabien Théofilakis (Berlin): Community membership, national identity and discourse: how to say and define Deutschtum in Western and Central Europe (1914-1945)
Florian Kührer-Wielach (Mainz): Beyond nation and region: offers of belonging in interwar Transylvania

12.15-13.15 Lunch

Panel III: (Re)constructing nationhood after 1945
chair: Liesbeth van de Grift (Nijmegen)

Matthew Grant (Essex): Constructing a Cold War national community: citizenship and anti-communism in postwar Britain, 1945-56
Wim de Jong (Nijmegen): Dutch McCarthyism? Anticommunism as a tool for the image of a democratic community (1920-1960)
Máté Zombory (Budapest): Nation and democracy after the catastrophe. Conceptions of political community and the discourses on the past in early postwar Hungary
Harm Kaal (Nijmegen): Constructing communities in postwar election campaigns: the rise of people’s parties

15.30-15.45 Coffee break

Panel IV: European and transnational vistas on community
chair: Phillip Wagner (Berlin)

Anne-Isabelle Richard (Leiden): A sense of belonging, the Dutch interwar European movement between Europe and Empire
Koen van Zon (Nijmegen): A democratic European community? (1952-1960)
Maarten van den Bos (Pax Christi): A Vatican conspiracy? Religion, reconciliation and the unification of Europe, 1944-1950
Marleen Rensen (Amsterdam): The republic of letters in interwar Europe

18.00 Drinks

Friday, 20 December 2013

Keynote 3: Rosemary Wakeman (Fordham)
chair: Stefan Couperus

Panel V: Technologies of neighborhood building
chair: Stefan Couperus

David Kuchenbuch (Giessen): In search of the human scale – notions of "Community" in German and Swedish urban planning in the early 1940s
Andreas Joch (Washington): Community eludes the architect? German architect planners, American democracy, and the question of community building in Transatlantic perspective
Kenny Cupers (Urbana-Champaign): From the past into the future: the neighborhood unit in Europe, 1930s-1950s

12.15-13.15 Lunch

Panel VI: Creating expert communities
chair: David Kuchenbuch (Giessen)

Tracey Loughran (Cardiff): Constructing and re-constructing trauma: psychological medicine and the creation and transformation of discursive communities, c. 1914-1945
Phillip Wagner (Berlin): Reconstructing a transnational expert community, the International Federation for Housing and Town planning, 1945–1955
Michel Geertse (Architectuur Lokaal): From garden cities to new towns: continuity and change in transnational planning dialogue 1913-1993

15.15-15.30 Coffee break

Panel VII: Manifestations of cultural and religious communities
chair: Anne-Isabelle Richard (Utrecht)

Niek Pas (Amsterdam): Cycling identities. The Tour d'Algérie Cycliste and the second colonial occupation of French Algeria 1949-1953
Erika Regner (Vienna): Communities arising from literature – overstepping borders and boundaries
Sebastian Hösch (Stuttgart): Constructing community: the use of Heimatfeste (carnivals to honor home) in the German Land Hessen
Ondřej Matějka (Prague): Constructing Czech socialist community 1948-1968: a Protestant perspective

17.15-17.30 Wrap-up and farewell 


Harm Kaal

Faculty of Arts, Department of History
PO Box 9103, NL-6500 HD, NIJMEGEN


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