Antisemitism in Europe Today: the Phenomena, the Conflicts

Antisemitism in Europe Today: the Phenomena, the Conflicts

Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Zentrum für Antisemtismusforschung; TU Berlin, Stiftung EVZ
Akademie des Jüdischen Museums Berlin, Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
Vom - Bis
08.11.2013 - 09.11.2013
Laura Redmer

The Jewish Museum Berlin, the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and the Center for Research on Antisemitism, Berlin Institute of Technology, are organizing a conference on current phenomena of and conflicts about antisemitism in Europe.

Antisemitism expresses itself in different forms in today's Europe. The conference will address five of these expressions in a comparative approach:
- “classical antisemitism”, portraying Jews as a dominant power in politics, finances and mass media, allegedly to the detriment of the nation;
- the persistent anti-Jewish attitudes, based in the tradition of anti-Judaism, that exist in parts of the society and faith based groups;
- “secondary antisemitism” (guilt-defensiveness antisemitism) which denies one's own guilt by rejecting the remembrance of the Holocaust and blaming the Jews of being guilty themselves;
- the so called “new antisemitism”, sparked off by Israel's politics in the Middle Eastern conflict, attacking Israel as the “collective Jew”;
- and finally, the combination of antisemitism and xenophobia/racism which is often found in the nowadays predominantly ethnically diverse European countries.

The conference will present these different expressions of antisemitism in its European dimensions as well as political and cultural conflicts which have evolved around them. By presenting different international approaches in the research of antisemitism the organizers aim to connect discussions that, as yet, are often led in limited national contexts only.

In five panel sessions specific aspects of antisemitism will be presented and discussed with the audience. The organizers are inviting an expert community, educators who work in the field of civic education, teachers and students.


Friday, November 8th, 2013

12:00 pm Registration

1:30 pm Welcome by organizers
Cilly Kugelmann, Jewish Museum Berlin
Martin Salm, Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Center for Research on Antisemitism, Berlin

2:00 pm Panel 1
Traditional Forms of Antisemitism in Europe
András Kovács, Hungary
Anatoly Podolski, Ukraine
Henrik Bachner, Sweden
Chair: Christhard Hoffmann, Norway

3:45 pm Coffee break

4:15 pm Panel 2
Remembering the Holocaust and Antisemitism
Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs, Poland
Gintare Malinauskaite, Lithuania
Margit Reiter, Austria
Chair: Juliane Wetzel, Berlin

6:00 pm Dinner

7:30 pm Public Lecture
“What do we mean when we say 'antisemitism'?”
Brian Klug, Great Britain
Comment: Detlev Claussen

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

9:15 am Opening of the day

9:30 am Panel 3
New Antisemitism – Criticism of Israel or Antisemitism?
Peter Ullrich, Germany
David Feldmann Great Britain
Dilek Güven, Turkey
Chair: NN

11:15 am Coffee break

11:30 am Panel 4
Anti-Judaism – Religion and anti-Jewish and pro-Israeli Reactions
Michal Bilewicz, Poland
Nikolai Mitrokhin, Russia
Anna Menny, Spain
Chair: Rainer Kampling, Berlin

1:15 pm Lunch break

2:30 pm Panel 5
Antisemitism in the Context of Racism and Hostility towards other Minorities
Evelien Gans, Netherlands
Jean-Yves Camus, France
Lenka Bustikova, Slovakia
Chair: Werner Bergmann, Berlin

4:15 pm Closing remarks
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Berlin

5:00 pm End of Conference


Julia Jürgens

Jüdisches Museums Berlin
030 259 93 353

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