Global Perspectives on Europe

Prof. Dr. Bea Lundt, Department of History; in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Yaw Ofosu-Kusi (DAAD-Guestprofessor from Ghana) and European Studies, University Flensburg
University of Flensburg
Vom - Bis
05.12.2013 - 07.12.2013
Bea Lundt

Europe is entangled politically, economically and legally with the rest of the world as its policies and actions reverberate beyond its geographic borders. Yet in a number of cases, Eurocentric views that are clearly incapable of portraying Europe in a comprehensive manner in its global interactions tend to dominate the discourse. Obviously, in order to fully appreciate Europe and its leadership role in world affairs, it is not sufficient to look at perspectives from within alone but to take a total view that projects Europe from a global perspective.

A global Europe, embedded in an ever-growing and interdependent network of relations does neither act in isolation nor do its actions merely affect European countries. Hence it is essential that Europeans and European institutions take into account alternative views primarily from outside and to weigh the merits of these differential positions. In a globalised world, it is imperative that European societies, and the key stakeholders from the academic, political, economic and legal realm appreciate the need to be more receptive towards external perspectives. After all, a successful constitution of Europe will barely be possible without paying considerable attention to the understandings and perceptions of other world regions. These external perspectives are the frame of reference in a global context in which Europe, epitomised by the European Union and its member states, vividly engage itself both internally and externally.

With this in mind, the proposed conference seeks to create an externally-led reflection that aims to make a contribution to a better understanding and analysis of Europe’s role in the contemporary world. It seeks to trigger a substantial reflection on new directions of action, and to open up spaces for renewed discussions on Europe’s economic, social, political, historical and legal role, and relationship with the rest of the world.


Thursday, December 5th 2013

15.30-16.00 Keynote Address: Werner Reinhart:
Hänsel and Gretel in America: The Reception of the Fairy Tale in Contemporary Poems

Session 1: Perspectives from Europe
Chair: Laura Asarite
16.30-17.15 Beatrix Niemeyer-Jensen, Tjorven Reisener: (How) is Europe educating the world?

17.30-18.15 Sophie Wulk: The Jean Monnet Scholarship for Turkish Graduates and its implications for the EU's image abroad

Session 2: Perspectives from Asia
Chair: Yaw Ofosu-Kusi

09.00-09.45 Lucie Qian XIA: Chinese perspectives on Europe: The idea of Europe and Sino-European relations

10.00-10-45 Elisabetta Nadalutti: Growth triangles in Southeast Asia and cross-border regions in Europe in comparison

11.00-11.45 Poster Presentation of ongoing research projects of European Studies students on the EU's relations with third countries (guided tour): Sophie Wulk and Students
13.00-13.45 Shazia Aziz Wülbers: Norm diffusion by the EU and the US in India

Session 3: Perspectives from Africa
Chair: Bea Lundt

14.00-14.45 Yaw Ofosu-Kusi: Global Perspectives on Europe: Views from Ghana

15.00-15.45 Thore Prien: The European Union as human rights violator: Observations of the EU by African Social Movements as global politics in the making

16.00-16.45 Malte Brosig: Afro-European crisis management in organized inaction: The case of Libya

Session 4: The EU and Third Parties
Chair: Beatrix Niemeyer-Jensen

17.00-17.45 Lachlan McKenzie: Distance partners: The impact of EU external relations capacity on engagement with third countries

18.00-18.45 Edward Yencken: The undermining of Global Europe? The impact of the Eurozone crisis on third country perceptions of the European Union

Saturday, December 7th

Session 5: A Path to Globality and Justice
Chair: Sophie Wulk

09.00-09.45 Bea Lundt: On times before the internet and intercontinental cheap flights. The long way to globality: Perspectives on Europe in Pre-Modern Times (500-1800)

10.00-10.45 Allan Francis Tatham: Appointing regional judges in the Caribbean: A possible model for emulation by the Court of Justice of the European Union?

11.00-11.45 Mauro Gatti: Preach the rights you practice! (in)Consistency between EU external human rights promotion and Member States’ internal actions

12.00-13.00 Concluding Remarks/ Discussion
Yaw Ofosu-Kusi (DAAD Visiting-Professor),
Bea Lundt (History),
Sophie Wulk (European Studies),
Laura Asarite (European Studies)


Bea Lundt

Department of History, University of Flensburg, Auf dem Campus 1, D- 24943 Flensburg

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