The Global Lowlands in the Early Modern Period: A Conference on Dutch and Flemish History and Culture in a Worldwide Perspective

The Global Lowlands in the Early Modern Period: A Conference on Dutch and Flemish History and Culture in a Worldwide Perspective

Brown University (Pembroke Center, History Department, Program in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, Department of the History of Art & Architecture,John Carter Brown Library)
Brown University, Providence
United States
Vom - Bis
04.04.2014 - 05.04.2014
Cook, Harold

During the early modern period the Lowlands became an entrepôt for global exchanges. They connected outwards to every part of the globe through trade, colonization, expanded knowledge, material culture, and consumption. Antwerp during the sixteenth century, and Amsterdam during the seventeenth century were the first modern cities to dominate world trade and commerce. The Lowlands attracted merchants, immigrants, and visitors while importing and redistributing a vast new array of goods and information, not only effecting the culture, art, and sciences of the Lowlands but touching the lives of many other people, from New Amsterdam and Brazil to Africa, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, Japan, and elsewhere. This conference focuses on the Lowlands as an example of how globalization is affecting Renaissance and Early Modern Studies.

Sponsored by Brown University, the Pembroke Center, the History Department, the program in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, department of the History of Art & Architecture and the John Carter Brown Library.


Friday, April 4
Session I: 5.00-6:30 pm
Karel Davids, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, "The Lowlands in the scholarly Atlantic in the Early Modern Period."

Mariët Westermann, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, ["Dutch art in the Golden Age."]

Saturday, April 5
Session II: 9-10.30 am
Claudia Swan, Northwestern University, "Lost in Translation. Exoticism in Early Modern Holland."

Dániel Margóscy, Hunter College, "Commercial Visions: Global Trade and Scientific Debate c. 1700."

Session III: 11-12.30 pm
Mark Meuwese, University of Winnipeg, "Intention to exterminate: Massacres in the Making of the Dutch Empire, 1600-1750."

Julie Hochstrasser, University of Iowa, "Whose Baroque? Drawing and Human Experience among the Khoikhoi."

Session IV: 2-4 pm
Benjamin Schmidt, University of Washington, "Oriental Despots on Ornamental Desks: On Dutch Geography, the "Decorative" Arts, and the Production of the Exotic World."

Anne Goldgar, King's College, London ["Dutch Arctic Exploration and Its Representation."]

Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia, “Free Sea, Free Trade, Free-for-All.”

Comment by Lissa Roberts, University of Twente, and General Discussion: 4-5 pm

Closing Reception: 5-6 pm


John F. Nickoll
Brown University
Providence RI 02912
phone: 401 863-2956
fax: 401 863-1040
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