The Road to the “Unwanted” War of 1914

The Road to the “Unwanted” War of 1914

Faculty of History – University of Bucharest
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
Vom - Bis
09.10.2014 - 10.10.2014
Armin Heinen

The Centenary of the outbreak of World War I will be marked by the international, multidisciplinary conference called The Road to the “Unwanted” War of 1914, organized by the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest and its network of academic partners.

Conference rationale:
In 1914 Europe dominated the world. Several European states ruled large territories and populations on various continents. The European hegemony had been favored by the industrial revolution, but also by the ability of the European Great Powers to avoid massive confrontations for almost a century. After the demise of Napoleon (1815) and even more after 1871, Europe had experienced only limited warfare among its major Powers. This induced the idea that a future war would be both fast and victorious. Only a few people anticipated an all-out conflagration and pleaded to avoid war. Diplomatic crises, political alliances and military preparations paved the way to war. The murders in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914 triggered a very dangerous situation that the statesmen could easily use according to their own hidden agenda.

With a tremendous interest among researchers for its origins and aftermath which have been depicted in thousands of books so far, the argument on the responsibility for war still benefits of historians’ attention. How ready were the decision makers to draw their nations into a war? Did they realize the possible consequences of their decisions and what is the balance between deliberate action and misperception? Moreover, how willing were the European societies to fight rather than wait for a peaceful solution? How was the war prepared and received at home after the first military encounters? What was the image of the “enemy” like and how did it change on the frontline?

The International Scientific Conference The Road to the “Unwanted” War of 1914 aims at exploring the nature of assuming the World War I at all levels of society. The event will concentrate on understanding how policymakers, combatants and civilians alike imagined and experienced the conflict in its early phases. As the event focuses on a multidisciplinary understanding of the will to wage war on 1914, submissions from cultural, social, military and other historical adjacent disciplines (history of art, international relations, war studies, historical sociology, political science and philosophy) are welcomed. New methodological approaches are encouraged. Subject areas relevant to this conference may include, but are by no means limited to, the following issues:

- The origins of the Great War reconsidered
- Imagining the “Enemy” before the conflict
- Decision making units in the July Crisis
- Entanglements and failure of the alliances
- Preparations for War
- The war imagined vs. the war experienced: the first military encounters
- Avoiding or refusing war: neutrals, pacifists, refugees

Paper submission
The form used for submitting papers can be found at the end of this document and it includes the abstract and contact details. We would kindly ask to keep a limit of 500 words for the abstract. Apart from the proposal form, we expect a short academic biography from the applicants. All the submitted papers should be the result of a current, original and unpublished research.

The evaluation of the submitted abstracts will be ensured by the Scientific Committee of the Conference which brings together distinguished professors and researchers from Universities and Institutes of Europe and USA. A separate volume based on a selection of the papers presented at the Conference will be published after the event.

The language of the event will be English.

Please submit the proposal form and the academic CV at the following email address:

10th January 2014 – Dissemination of the call of papers
15th May 2014 – Paper submission closing
10th June 2014 – Notification of acceptance
10th August 2014 – Registration form and participation fee
15th September 2014 – Extended participation fee
09 – 10 October 2014 – International Conference
10th January 2015 – Final papers submission

The Conference days are Thursday 9th and Friday 10th October 2014. The Official Opening is scheduled on 9th October 2014 in the morning. Therefore, the selected guests are expected to arrive in Bucharest in due time. The Organizing Committee of the Conference will ensure accommodation for 3 nights, meals during the scheduled programme as well as coffee breaks and Conference materials. After notification of acceptance, a Conference fee in amount of € 50 will have to be transferred until 10th August 2014 in the account that the Organizing Committee will further announce to the selected participants. Confirmation of participation will be still possible until 15th September 2014 but at a cost of € 75.

Travel cost is expected to be the participants’ contribution.

Keynote Speakers:
- Dr. Christopher M. Clark, (Professor, Cambridge University, UK)
- Dr. Lothar Höbelt, (Professor, University of Vienna, Austria)
- Dr. Annika Mombauer, (Professor, Open University, UK)

Scientific Committee:
- Dr. Daniela Bușă, (Senior Researcher, „Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
- Dr. Christopher M. Clark, (Professor, Cambridge University, UK)
- Dr. Armin Heinen, (Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Dr. John W. Langdon, (Professor, Le Moyne College, USA)
- Dr. Mirela – Luminița Murgescu, (Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Dr. Flavius Solomon, (Senior Researcher, „A. D. Xenopol” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Romania)

Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Matei Gheboianu, (Assistant Lecturer, University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Cosmin Ioniță, (PhD. Candidate, University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Iulia Mustățea, (PhD. Candidate, University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Dr. Florentina Nițu, (Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Dr. Dragoș Zaharia, (Lecturer, University of Bucharest, Romania)

Proposal Form

First Name
Family Name
Phone number


On behalf of the Organizing Committee:
Dr. Florentina Nitu
Vice dean
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest



Florentina Nitu
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest

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