Call For Papers, Panels and Posters: Early Modern + Digital Projects and Computational Methods (Sixteenth Century Studies Conference)

Call For Papers, Panels and Posters: Early Modern + Digital Projects and Computational Methods (Sixteenth Century Studies Conference)

Colin Wilder, on behalf of the Digital Humanities Track of the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference
New Orleans
United States
Vom - Bis
16.10.2014 - 19.10.2014
Colin Wilder

Following on the success of last year's "Early Modern Digital Humanities" panels in San Juan, the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference has inaugurated a "Digital Humanities Track." Beginning this October (2014) in New Orleans, we plan to hold both regular panels as well as a poster session. There will also be "birds of a feather" opportunities, where scholars with similar stated interests can meet to share information or discuss potential collaborations. All sorts of digital projects are welcome, be they electronic editions of sources, discussions of digital pedagogy or digital analytic methods, argumentative papers or things entirely other.

Papers, panels and the poster session may either be submitted directly through the website or through Colin Wilder, the DH Track Director. Either way, individually-submitted papers will be assigned to a best-fit panel. Please email Colin Wilder ( ASAP with a proposal for paper or poster. Panels may consist of any type of presentation, but are probably best suited to papers with traditional narrative arcs. The poster session is a more informal, interactive setting, best suited to projects currently in progress and non-thesis-driven presentations.

There will be a limited number of travel subventions for graduate students making Digital Humanities proposals. These are generously sponsored by Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, which is co-sponsor of this CFP and which has recently become an official Affiliate of the SCSC.

A panel report on last year's Early Modern Digital Humanities sequence in San Juan can be found here at

––Colin Wilder (University of South Carolina, Center for Digital Humanities) & Bill Bowen (University of Toronto Scarborough, Iter Gateway)



Colin Wilder

Thomas Cooper Library, 1322 Greene St.
University of South Carolina