Network of Health and Environment of the European Social Science History Association Conference (ESSHC)

Network of Health and Environment of the European Social Science History Association Conference (ESSHC)

European Social Science History Association Conference (ESSHC),
Vom - Bis
30.03.2016 - 02.04.2016
Iris Borowy und Enrique Perdiguero-Gil

Apologies for cross-posting.

Proposals are invited for panels or individual papers of any subject dealing with the social history of health and with environmental history. Papers may but do not have to address the connection between health and the environment. While individual papers are welcome, panels consisting of three or –preferably- four contributors and one chair and discussant (who can be the same person) have a higher chance of being accepted. We particularly encourage panels organised around a central theme with a comparative approach, bringing together contributions on different regions and/or time periods. Panel participants must come from different institutions and should come from different countries. We reserve the right to re-arrange panels and contributors as appears necessary in view of the incoming applications.

Suggestions are particularly encouraged on the topics listed below. But proposals on other topics from the entire range of environmental history and of the history of medicine and health are welcome.

1. Global Health - Possible sub-themes: travels of disease; the ecological imperialism revisited; globalisation; plague, cholera, aids, ebola …

2. Global Resources, their use and impact on well-being: soil, fuels, water...

3. Temporary issues: the emergence and disappearance of perceived health and/or environmental topics.

4. Occupational Health in Resource Extraction: accidents, insurance, long-term health hazards …

5. Health and/or Nature as Commodity – Themes: developments of the market for medication, health foods and other health products; interaction between physicians, scientists and businessmen

6. Environmental Changes and Impact on Public Health – positive, negative, or both

7. Warfare: how has the situation of warfare affected the physical wellbeing of nature and people in it?

8. Normality – how have common conceptions changed about healthy people or a healthy environment?

Panel chairs can also act as discussants. Discussants have an important role in stimulating discussions, which should take up a substantial part of the panel time. They can identify central issues of the papers, point to similarities and differences, raise individual or general questions or otherwise broaden the perspective on the overall themes of the panels

The deadline is May 15, 2015.

Visit for:

- General information on the biannual conferences
- The organising institution
- Registration (including paper proposal procedures)

For questions, suggestions etc., please write to:

Iris Borowy:
Institute for the History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine
RWTH Aachen University


Enrique Perdiguero-Gil:
History of Science
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Alicante, España)



Iris Borowy

RWTH Aachen, Institute for the History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine

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