XIth Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference

XIth Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference

Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker (SKOGH, Swedish Women’s and Gender Historians); together with the Department of History, and the Department of Economic History, both at Stockholm University; and the School of Historical and Contemporary Studies and The Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), both at Södertörn University
Stockholm university, Stockholm
Vom - Bis
19.08.2015 - 21.08.2015
SKOGH (Swedish Women's and Gender Historians)

The Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference is an established forum for historians of women, gender and sexuality in the Nordic countries. Here, historians working within different academic subfields meet to present and discuss new historical research and questions of relevance to the field. The XIth Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference will take place in Stockholm, August 19-21, 2015. It is arranged by Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker (SKOGH, Swedish Women’s and Gender Historians) together with the Department of History and the Department of Economic History, both at Stockholm University, and the School of Historical and Contemporary Studies and The Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), both at Södertörn University.

The theme of the conference is Gender, History, Futures. The organizers would thus like to bring attention to forward-looking and innovative developments in the field of women’s and gender history, and encourage new empirical, theoretical and methodological perspectives, critical history, and discussions about the future of the discipline. What benefits may women’s and gender historical perspectives bring to the field of history, to academic research in general, and to society? Which are the ongoing and possible future challenges and transformations of the field? Also, an important point of discussion will be the future of the Nordic Women’s and Gender History conference and the future organization of the Nordic women’s and gender history field.

Keynote presentations and plenary sessions will be related to the conference theme Gender, History, Futures. Invited keynote speakers are Madina Tlostanova, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, and Alexandra Shepard, editor of Gender & History, University of Glasgow.

For paper sessions and roundtables, the organizers welcome all papers and topics related to the history of women, gender and sexuality. Suggestions for sessions including participants from different Nordic countries will be given priority. The conference languages are the Scandinavian languages and English.

Suggestions for papers and sessions are to be submitted via the website http://skogh.nu/nordiskakvinnohistorikermotet/ between Oct. 15 and Dec. 15, 2014. Updated information about the conference will be provided on this website.

Call for Papers: XIth Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, August 19-21, 2015 Guidelines for paper and session proposals

The organizers welcome all paper and session proposals pertaining to the conference theme ”Gender, history, futures”, or more generally to the history of women, gender and sexuality. We encourage, and will give priority to sessions that include participants from different Nordic countries. Individual papers will also be considered. The conference languages are the Scandinavian languages and English, and paper and session proposals in either Scandinavian languages or English are accepted.

Suggestions for individual papers and full sessions are to be submitted via e-mail to the organizers between October 15 and December 15, 2014 to nkghm2015@historia.su.se. The conference organizers will finalize decisions in January or early February, 2015. Updated information will be provided on this website.

Session guidelines

Sessions will be approximately 90 minutes. Session organizers are responsible for the planning of the session and the way the session is carried out (format of session, number of papers/presenters, time allotted to each presenter, appointment of chair, discussant, handling of audio-visual technology etc.). The roles of session organizer, chair and discussant can be fulfilled by the same or different persons. Sufficient room should be reserved for audience discussion.

The conference organizers are responsible for matching accepted individual papers into complete sessions.

Individual paper proposals

Individual paper proposals should include the following information:
1. Name of presenter, institutional affiliation, address and e-mail
2. Title of individual paper
3. 200-word abstract of paper
4. Keywords: please indicate 3 or 4 keywords to describe your paper
5. 70-word academic biography (name, position, department, research interest or ongoing project, relevant publication/s)
6. Please state what, if any, audio-visual technology you will require for your paper.
Single paper proposals should be gathered into one document (word or the equivalent) and sent as an email- attachment to nkghm2015@historia.su.se no later than December 15, 2014. Please indicate in the email-heading “Individual paper proposal”.

Complete session proposals

Complete session proposals should include the following information:
1. Session title
2. The session organizer’s name, institutional affiliation, address, and e-mail
3. 200-word abstract of session
4. Format of session (paper session, panel, roundtable etc)
5. Keywords: please indicate 3 or 4 keywords to describe the session
6. Please state what, if any, audio-visual technology you will require for your session and if you will be able to bring your own computer (or arrange that one of the session members brings one.)
7. The following information for all participants:
a. Names and roles (presenter, chair, commentator)
b. Institutional Affiliation, address, and e-mail
c. Title of individual paper (if relevant)
d. 200-word abstract for each paper (if relevant)
e. 70-word academic biography (name, position, department, research interest or ongoing project, relevant publication/s)
Complete session proposals should be gathered into one document (word or the equivalent) and sent as an email- attachment to nkghm2015@historia.su.se no later than December 15, 2014. Please indicate in the email-heading “Complete session proposal”.



Mari Eyice

Historiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 106 91 Stockholm


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