Transnational Currents in Modern Estonian History. 14th Conference on Modern Estonian History

Transnational Currents in Modern Estonian History. 14th Conference on Modern Estonian History

Institute of History, Tallinn University
Institute of History, Rüütli 6, 10130 Tallinn
Vom - Bis
10.06.2015 - 11.06.2015
Karsten Brüggemann

This conference calls to explore the benefits and challenges of transnational history for the study of modern Estonian history. In recent years “transnational” approaches to national histories have become more and more commonplace in history writing across the globe, with scholars seeking to move beyond national and local frameworks when investigating the past. Yet such transnational approaches so far remain rare in historical scholarship concerning Estonia in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, broader contexts associated with transnational (transcultural, translocal) history can open up new questions on many themes of importance to Estonia’s past and present.
Therefore we encourage PhD-students and experienced colleagues alike to shed new light on Estonia’s past in 19th and 20th centuries, to explore flows and ties across Estonia’s borders, be it goods, people or ideas, and trace networks and links with Europe and the world. Papers are welcome on a wide range of topics and need not be limited to the following: political organizations, movements and ideologies; trade, finance and corporations; migrations, labor, women’s and minorities’ rights; cultural flows in the broadest sense.
The official languages of the Conference by tradition will be Estonian and English.
Participants will have 30 minutes at their disposal (20 minutes for delivering the paper and 10 for discussion).
We look forward to your reply and hope that you can join us at the 14th Conference on Modern Estonian History.



Maie Pihlamägi

Institute of History of Tallinn University, Rüütli 6, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia