Seminar for postdoctoral students of German-Jewish and Central-European Jewish History (DEADLINE EXTENDED!)

Seminar for postdoctoral students of German-Jewish and Central-European Jewish History (DEADLINE EXTENDED!)

Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem; Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts, Germany.
Berlin / Jerusalem
Vom - Bis
30.03.2015 -
Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, WAG des Leo Baeck Instituts

The Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem and the Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts in Deutschland invite applications for our second seminar for postdoctoral students of German-Jewish and Central-European Jewish History, who submitted their dissertations since 2010. The first part of this seminar will take place in Berlin from 6-10 July 2015, the second part in Jerusalem from 14-18 February 2016.

The seminar will offer postdoctoral students of German-Jewish and Central-European Jewish History the opportunity to present and thoroughly discuss their current research projects. More senior scholars from Germany and Israel will be invited to comment on the projects and provide the young researchers with feedback and academic guidance. Apart from the scholarly debate itself, the scholars from both countries will have the opportunity to learn more about the scholarly traditions and research contexts of their colleagues and to meet senior scholars of the respective countries. Furthermore, this seminar will include tours of museums and memorials related to the German-Jewish experience.

Given the positive feedback of the pilot seminar, we are positive that the format of the seminar, with the meetings in both Germany and Israel, will contribute to a more thorough and comprehensive scholarly exchange and debate. The initial event in Berlin will allow candidates to present their projects and will be followed by a several months-long period of continued informal discussion. During the second meeting in Jerusalem, the participants will present revised versions or new insights resulting from the feedback they received. The extended period of personal encounters, of dialogue with other researchers in the field, and of intensive exchange is meant to promote the quality and interdisciplinary character of the candidates’ scholarly output.

The seminar will be held in English.

Applications (only via email) must be submitted in English by March 30, 2015 to the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem ( They should include a CV and a one page description of the current or planned postdoctoral project. One academic recommendation letter should be sent directly (via email) to the LBI Jerusalem. For additional information please call the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem: (++972)(0)2-5633790.

Funding is available to cover most of the travel expenses and accommodation in Berlin and Jerusalem.

This postdoc-seminar is organized by the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem and the Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts, Germany. It is part of the Seminars for Students of German-Jewish History, supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung, initiated by the Hamburger Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden and the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, in association with the Martin Buber Professur Frankfurt am Main, the Minerva Institute for German History at the Tel Aviv University and the Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts.



For additional information please call the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem: (++972)(0)2-5633790, Email:

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