Splendid Encounters 4: Premodern Diplomacy

Splendid Encounters 4: Premodern Diplomacy

Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest
Vom - Bis
25.09.2015 - 26.09.2015
Predmodern Diplomats Network

‘An ambassador is an honest man sent abroad to lie for the benefit of his country’ - the famous definition by one of the most celebrated Jacobean diplomats, Sir Henry Wotton, is still being recalled to describe how diplomacy worked and what diplomats did in the past. However, developments in the field of diplomatic history prove that early modern diplomats’ activities were far from being focused solely on ‘lying for their countries’ and therefore should be researched and analysed in much wider political, cultural, religious or economic contexts.

Splendid Encounters international and interdisciplinary conferences aim to bring together scholars from the broadest possible range of perspectives to consider diplomacy and diplomatic activities in the early modern era. The conference, hosted by the Institute of History, at the Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, will be another chance to provide the platform for their research. Although Splendid Encounters 4 has no official theme, we would like especially to encourage proposals addressing:
- inter-cultural diplomacy
- inter-confessional and inter-faith diplomacy
- diplomacy beyond Europe.

However, papers addressing the following will be also welcomed:
- diplomatic service: people and place
- gifts and gift giving as part of diplomatic practice
- the ceremonial of diplomacy - ceremonial space, protocol, precedence
- theory of diplomacy
- women and premodern diplomacy
- diplomats and news networks

We welcome proposals (approx. 200/250 words) for individual papers of 20 minutes and panels of three or four papers. Please submit your proposal on-line via the website.

DEADLINE: 15th March 2015. Applicants will be notified of acceptance of their proposal by 15th April at the latest.
Convenors: Dr Roberta Anderson, Dr Anna Kalinowska, Dr Gábor Kármán

Applicants are advised of a registration fee of 35 EUR, which includes the costs of catering during the proceedings, as well as conference materials.




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