University Journal of Military History (RUHM) - Vol. 4 (January-June 2015)

University Journal of Military History (RUHM) - Vol. 4 (January-June 2015)

RUHM Editorial Board
Vom - Bis
20.02.2015 -
Miguel Alonso, Contemporary History, UNED

The Editorial Board of the Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar (RUHM) is pleased to announce the call for papers for its next issue, corresponding to the months from January to June of 2015. The journal is open to receive original articles related to military history from ancient times until nowadays, with special preference for innovative works regarding interpretation, sources and methodology. Equally, reviews about books that do not exceed three years since their publication would be also accepted.
For this new issue and onwards, we have introduced some modifications in the functioning of the journal which are imperative for everyone interested in sending their articles. On the one hand, we have implemented a new policy regarding the acceptance of articles aiming to assure that these would fit the quality standards we are looking for and, at the same time, the approaches we aim to promote within war studies. In this sense, we recommend to those interested in sending their articles to read the section in which this new policy is explained, especially item number 2.
On the other hand, we have introduced a new and easier referencing system which converges towards the more common styles used in the Spanish and European historiographies. It is also available in the aforementioned section inside our webpage.
The deadline for the reception of articles is April 15th 2015. Articles must be sent to
Kind regards,
RUHM Editorial Board



RUHM Editorial Board

Centro de Estudios de Historia Militar, Cádiz, Spain