Elections and Electoral Corruption in the Early Modern Period

Elections and Electoral Corruption in the Early Modern Period

Simona Slanička; Maud Harivel; Florian Schmitz
Haus der Universität, Schlösslistrasse 5, CH-3008 Bern
From - Until
13.03.2015 - 14.03.2015
Schmitz, Florian

For the past few years, we have observed an increased interest in elections as an object of historical research. The same applies to the research on corruption, especially on political corruption, which has led to numerous conferences and publications over the last decade.
Bringing researchers from both fields together, our conference aims to fathom the field of electoral corruption in the early modern period. We invited speakers to present their research on political as well as on ecclesiastical votes. Special attention will be paid to ballots within the context of republican city states. Even though the conference focuses upon the early modern period, contributions will deal with the transition period to modernity (Sattelzeit) as well.

It is a pleasure for us to present the final programme of conference, which you will find below.

The conference will take place in Berne on 12-14 March 2015. The presentations will be hold in French or English, the following debate will be in English. For more information and to register for the conference please email at florian.schmitz@hist.unibe.ch


Friday, 13.03.2015 (Haus der Universität Bern)

09.00: Simona Slanička/Maud Harivel/Florian Schmitz
Conference Opening

Panel 1: Corruption in the Ecclesiastical Sphere
Chair: Simona Slanicka (Bern)

09.15: Olivier Christin (Neuchâtel)
La Simonie comme Catégorie de Description des Élections par Corruption

10.00: Bertrand Marceau (Paris)
Élection et Corruption au Monastère. Le triple Scrutin de Cîteaux (1625)

Coffee break (20 min)

Panel 2: Elections and the Monarchy
Chair: Hillard von Thiessen (Rostock)

11.00: Kateřina Pražákova (České Budějovice)
The Habsburg Empire and the French Kingdom in the Struggle for the Polish Crown

11.45: Kateřina Dufková (Prag)
Between the King and the Estates. Elections of the Provincial Officials in Early Modern Moravia

Lunch break (Haus der Universität)

Panel 3: On the road to “Modernity”?
Chair: Niels Grüne (Innsbruck)

14.30: Malcolm Crook (Keele) and Tom Crook (Oxford Brooks)
Contesting ‘corruption’. Electoral Morality and Practice in Britain and France, c. 1830- 1914

15.15 Nathalie Dompnier (Lyon-2)
La corruption électorale face à ses juges. Justice repressive et justice restitutive en France, 1848-1958

Coffee break

17.30: Round table
Contemporary Elections and Electoral Corruption
Ronald Kroeze (Amsterdam)/Mark Pieth (Basel)/Anca Simina (Bucharest)/ Richard Lappin (Warsaw)
(Hauptgebäude der Universität Bern, room HS 120)

20.00: Dinner, Restaurant Kornhauskeller (Kornhausplatz 18, 3011 Bern)

Saturday, 14.03.2015 (Haus der Universität Bern)

Panel 4: Republics, Elections, Corruption
Chair: Christian Windler (Bern)

09.00: Cristina Rosillo Lopez (Sevilla)
The Ancient Roman Way to win Elections. Practices and Discourse of Electoral Corruption during the Late Roman Republic (2nd-1st century BCE)

09.45: Maud Harivel (Bern)
Désintéresser les élections. Les mesures anti-fraudes dans la république de Venise

Coffee break (20 min)

Chair: Simona Slanicka (Bern)

10.45: Dorit Raines (Venice)
The Formation of Advocacy Groups in the Venetian Republic, or how to avoid illicit Exchange of Favors during Elections

11.30: Danilo Pedremonte (Genoa)
Seven Ballots for a Consul. The Election of Benedetto Luxoro as Genoese Consul in Marseilles (1758-1759)

14.00: Raphael Barat (Lyon-2)
Les Brigues Électorales dans la République de Genève à la fin du XVIIe siècle

14.40: Florian Schmitz (Bern)
Obstacle or Catalyse? Elections in the Oligarchic Process (Berne, 1500-1700)

15.20: Jean-Claude Waquet (Paris)
Conference Synopsis

Coffee Break and Farewell

Contact (announcement)

Florian Schmitz
Historisches Institut
Universität Bern
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern

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Country Event
Language(s) of event
English, French
Language of announcement