Turning points of Consumption - Material Culture and Societal Change in the Baltic Sea Region during the Long Nineteenth Century. Interdisciplinary Workshop

Turning points of Consumption - Material Culture and Societal Change in the Baltic Sea Region during the Long Nineteenth Century. Interdisciplinary Workshop

Dr. Maare Paloheimo (IRTG Baltic Borderlands, University of Greifswald); Dr. Piia Einonen (Department of History, University of Jyväskylä); Dr. Alexander Drost (IRTG Baltic Borderlands, University of Greifswald)
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
Vom - Bis
19.11.2015 - 19.11.2015
Alexander Drost

The consumption of luxury goods of the wealthiest members of early modern societies has been researched extensively while the everyday consumption and material culture of middle and lower social groups has attracted less attention. In this context, research has also to focus on the emergence of a consumer culture connected to a specific consumer behavior to understand the opportunities and restructuring processes of everyday consumption. We therefore invite contributions, which focus on middle and lower class perspectives/experiences and engage in researching of material and immaterial consumption in both urban and rural communities as well as more remote regions during the so-called long nineteenth century. We are interested in “turning points of consumption”, which include, for example, the emergence of mass production and consumption, changing consumption patterns as well as changes in the standards of living and the institutional settings for consumption and markets.
The interdisciplinary workshop, organized by the International Research Training Group (IRTG) Baltic Borderlands: Shifting Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the Baltic Sea Region (University of Greifswald, Germany) in collaboration with the research group Standard of Living, Consumption and Societal Change in the Long Run (Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland) takes place at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald on 19th November, 2015.
We invite papers and presentations in themes such as

-the emergence of consumer culture and mass consumption (from self-sufficiency to commercial goods);
-households and consumption in everyday life,
-wealth and poverty in various kinds of settings (opportunities of consumption)
-production, distribution and reception of consumer goods
-commercial legislation and consumers
-material standard of living
-immaterial and material culture (e.g. cultural consumption)
-consumer behavior (e.g. values, mentalities)

We are interested in the long nineteenth century but we also encourage proposals on other times that are crucial considering the turning points of consumption. In addition, comparative approaches are most welcome.
Please submit abstracts (max. 300 words) to Dr. Maare Paloheimo (paloheimot(at)uni-greifswald.de) by June 6, 2015. Applicants will be notified by June 30, 2015. Finished papers have to be provided for commentators and discussants in advance by October 31, 2015.
For further information contact Dr. Maare Paloheimo, Dr. Piia Einonen (piia.einonen(at)jyu.fi) or Dr. Alexander Drost (alexander.drost(at)uni-greifswald.de). Further information will be available on http://www.phil.uni-greifswald.de/fk/borderlands.html and
https://www.facebook.com/pages/IRTG-Baltic-Borderlands/311410042367670 .
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Alexander Drost

IRTG Baltic Borderlands/ Historisches Institut
+49 (0) 3834 863341

