Historiography and History Education in the South Slavic and Albanian Speaking Regions

Historiography and History Education in the South Slavic and Albanian Speaking Regions

Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Braunschweig); Institute for National History (Skopje); Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians (Skopje)
National and University Library
Vom - Bis
03.06.2015 - 04.06.2015
Claudia Lichnofsky

The conference in 2015 will engage closely with Albanian-Slavic and Albanian-Greek relationships in textbooks and historiography. Skopje in Macedonia is the ideal host city for the conference; the Ohrid Agreement signed in 2001 introduced far-reaching rights for the Albanian ethnic group in Macedonia, who make up 25-30% of the total population.

The good working relationship we have with our cooperation partners in Skopje – the Institute of National History and the Institute of the Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians – means our conference in June 2015 promises to be a highly interesting one. A seminar for textbook authors will be offered in Tirana in 2015; it will focus on visual sources and will present for discussion and further development the modules produced in 2014.


3 June 2015 (open to the public)

Welcome addresses from S. Asani, D. Gjorgiev and E. Fuchs (directors of ITSH, INI and GEI)

I. Current issues in Macedonian history textbooks (introductory panel)
Chair (moderator and commentator): Dragi Gjorgiev (Skopje)

S. Asani & A. Hani (Skopje) – History textbooks in-between reality and ideology
V. Petroska-Beshka & N. Kenig (Skopje) – Ethnocentric history textbooks in a multi-ethnic society
I. Stefoska (Skopje) – The threatening “Other”: the image(s) of the neighbors in history textbooks

II. Cross-cultural history (first half of the 20th century)
Chair (moderator and commentator): Petar Todorov (Skopje/Istanbul)

R. Pichler (Graz/Berlin) – Social similarity and traces of economic entanglement of Albanians and Macedonians in rural western Macedonia (1930’s – 60’s)
B. Emini (Skopje) – The cultural activities of Albanian emigrants in Bulgaria at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century
B. Trifunovic (Warsaw) – Old Serbia, historiography and the image of Albanians

13:15-14:30 Lunch break

III. The “Other” in history textbooks : from 1945 until today
Chair (moderator and commentator): Eckhardt Fuchs (Braunschweig)

E. Nita (Elbasan) – The image of Slavic neighbors in the history of Albanian textbooks
E. Sulstarova (Tirana) – Perennial enemies: presentation of Slavs in national history textbooks of Albania
P. Todorov (Skopje) – The image of the Other: representations of ethnic Albanians in Macedonian history textbooks


S. Gashi (Prishtina) – The presentation of Serbs in history schoolbooks in Kosovo and the presentation of Kosovo Albanians in history schoolbooks in Serbia
K. Giakoumis et al (Tirana) – Representing war and revolution in history school textbooks of nascent states: a comparison between Macedonia and Albania

Keynote lecture Nathalie Clayer (Paris): “Albanians, Slavs and others: elements of a shared history”
Introduction and comments: Irena Stefoska (Skopje)

4 June 2015 (not open to the public)

IV. Ethnographic views on “Otherness”
Moderator: Besnik Emini (Skopje)

D. Ermolin (St. Petersburg) – “In our community we spoke Turkish”: (hi)stories of common past in pre-war Pristina
A. Hemming (Marburg) – Images of the Self and images of Other among school students in Mirdita
A. Pavlovic (Belgrade) – Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility

V. Albanian-(south)Slavic relations after WWII
Moderator: N. Clayer (Paris)

E. Luku (Durrës) – Albanian-Yugoslav relations (1945-1948) and their presentation in school history textbooks
J. Hadalin (Ljubljana) – Slovenes and Albanians in the 20th century: changing perception – from orientalism to cohabitation

Final conclusion from all chairpersons and discussion about the results of the three-year project on Albanian textbooks at the Georg-Eckert-Institute: what are the desiderata for future research, what has still to be done and where do we want to go? What future events and networks are planned and what will be the resulting projects and research questions?
Moderator: C. Lichnofsky (Braunschweig)


Claudia Lichnofsky

Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung


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