Contested Visions of Justice:Allied War Crimes Trials in a Global Context, 1943-1958

Contested Visions of Justice:Allied War Crimes Trials in a Global Context, 1943-1958

Kerstin von Lingen, Heidelberg University; Wolfgang Form, Marburg University/ICWC; Franziska Seraphim, Boston College; Barak Kushner, Cambridge University
Boston College Ireland
Vom - Bis
25.09.2015 - 27.09.2015
Dr. Kerstin von Lingen

Despite important differences in the war aims and conduct of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, war crimes trial policies emerged as globally connected domains of meting out justice that cut across the borders of nations, cultures, and continents. The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to analyze and compare the transnational interconnections among the political, administrative, legal and social mechanisms of Allied transitional justice in the reshaping of the post-World War II world.

Far from a unidirectional imposition of “Western norms” on global conceptions of justice, experiences in Asia turn out to also have shaped legal perceptions in Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union. The emerging geopolitics of the Cold War met with those of civil wars and decolonization in Asia, with huge implications not only for former colonies but for the European metropoles as well, including the former Axis powers themselves.

This conference is jointly organized by: Dr. Kerstin von Lingen, a historian leading the research group “Transcultural Justice: Legal Flows and the Emergence of International Justice in East Asian War Crimes Trials, 1946-53” at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in Global Context” at Heidelberg University, Germany; Dr. Wolfgang Form, political scientist and coordinator of the International Center for the Research and Documentation of War Crimes Trials at Philipps University in Marburg, Germany; Dr. Franziska Seraphim, Boston College, a Japanese historian working on the spatial architecture of the Allied war crimes program comparatively; and Dr. Barak Kushner, Cambridge University, a Japanese historian and senior lecturer, leading an ERC funded research project on “War Crimes and Empire. The Dissolution of the Japanese Empire and the Struggle for Legitimacy in Postwar East-Asia.”


Contested Visions of Justice:
Allied War Crimes Trials in a Global Context, 1943-1958

Panel I: International Collaboration in Administering War Crimes Trials
Fri 3pm Moderator: Franziska Seraphim

The London/Chongqing Hub: UNWCC as Global Coordinating Agency Narrelle MORRIS, Curtin U. AU
The Southeast Asia Hub: SEAC in Singapore Robert CRIBB, Australian National U. AU
The Pacific Hub: SCAP” in Tokyo/Shanghai/Manila HAYASHI Hirofumi, Kanto Gakuin U. JP
Western Europe: From Allied to National Administration Devin PENDAS, Boston College, US
A Moscow Hub? The Soviet Extraordinary State Commission Tanja PENTER, Heidelberg U. GER

Keynote Address by William SCHABAS, Middlesex U. London, UK:
London 1941-1944: Conceiving the Permanent International Criminal Court

Panel II: Competing Notions of Criminality in Comparison
Sat 9am Moderator: Barak Kushner

Comparing National War Crimes Jurisdictions Henning RADTKE, FRG Supreme Court, GER
Response: CHEAH Wui Ling, National U. of Singapore, SIN
The Problem of State Crime in Axis Regimes Wolfgang FORM, Marburg U. GER
Response: Matthias ZACHMANN, U. of Edinburgh, UK
Soviet Justice betw. International & Domestic Law Franziska EXELER, Free University, Berlin, GER
Response: Tanja PENTER, Heidelberg U. GER
State vs. Individual Responsibility: Plurality of Views on Justice Suzannah LINTON, British Institute of
International & Comparative Law, UK
Response: Devin PENDAS, Boston College, US

Panel III: Cold War and Civil Wars as Contexts for Defining “Justice”
Sat 2pm Moderator: Kerstin von Lingen

German-German Competition in Adjudicating Crimes of War Annette WEINKE, U. of Jena, GER
Chinese-Chinese Competition in Adjudicating Crimes of War Barak KUSHNER, Cambridge U. UK
Geopolitics & Justice: United States as Ascending Global Power Elizabeth BORGWARDT, Washington U. US
Geopolitics & Justice: Soviet Trials as Cold War Missiles Andreas HILGER, Hamburg U. GER

Panel IV: Post-trial Negotiations for Clemency and Release
Sun 9am Moderator: Wolfgang Form

Topics of short provocation by the participants followed by a roundtable discussion
Review Boards, Clemency, and Parole Sandra WILSON, Murdoch U. AU
Reparations and the Economics of Release NAGAI Hitoshi, Hiroshima Peace Institute, JP
Rearmament and the Politics of Release Kerstin von LINGEN, Heidelberg U, GER
Prisons and the Social Justice of Release Franziska SERAPHIM, Boston College, US

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