Jewish Commercial Cultures in Global Perspective. Advanced PhD and post-doctoral/early career workshop

Jewish Commercial Cultures in Global Perspective. Advanced PhD and post-doctoral/early career workshop

The Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University, Bloomington and the Modern Greek Studies Initiative at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Indiana University
United States
Vom - Bis
11.10.2015 - 12.10.2015
Constanze Kolbe

The Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University, Bloomington and the Modern Greek Studies Initiative at the University of Illinois at Chicago organize the international workshop “Jewish Commercial Cultures in Global Perspective” featuring new work on Sephardic and Mediterranean Jewries and commerce and bringing together the fields of Jewish, Mediterranean and Global History.

The workshop aims to introduce the notion of “Jewish commercial cultures” to discussions about networks, mobility, empires, migration and material life. It examines Jewish merchants beyond trading diaspora frameworks, the overly determining contexts of “family” and “community”, and their stereotypical representations in anti-Jewish discourses. Instead, it views Jewish merchants anew as commercial citizens and legal agents from the early 18th- to the mid-20th centuries in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe.

For more information please visit:


Sunday, 11 October 2015

10:00 - 10:15 am Welcome & Opening Remarks (Paris Papamichos Chronakis, Constanze Kolbe)

10:15 - 11:45 am Panel I: Legal Regimes and Trade Litigation

Discussant: Francesca Trivellato, Yale University

Jessica Marglin, Commercial Integration through Law: Jews and Notarization in Moroccan Sharī‘a Courts

Constanze Kolbe, The Business of Religion: Etrogim Trade and Litigation in the Nineteenth Century Adriatic

Alyssa Reiman, Commerce in the Courts: Italian Jews and the Consular Court System in Nineteenth Century Egypt

Hanna Sonkajärvi, Commercial Litigation between Alsatian-Jewish Merchants and Non-Jewish Merchants in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Brazil

1:30 - 3:00 pm Panel II: Cross National Networks, Marketing and Consumption

Discusant: Derek Penslar, University of Toronto

Cornelia Aust, Jewish, Polish, European: Bankers and Entrepreneurs at the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Warsaw Perspective

Kevin D. Goldberg, Making Jewish Wine in Central Europe

Daniel M. Rosenthal, Carmel in the Shtetl: Palestinian Wine and the Marketing of Zionist Ideology in Eastern Europe, 1895-1939

3:15 - 4:45 pm Panel III: Mobility across and beyond the Eastern Mediterranean

Discussant: Matthias Lehmann, UC Irvine

Ariane Wessel, Social Advancement in the period of Globalization. Jewish Grain Traders at the Berlin Commodity Exchange 1860-1914

Evangelia Mathopoulou, Jewish commercial practices in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1933-1939

Julia Phillips Cohen, Cosmopolitans for Empire: Ottoman Jews & Political Economy from the Margins

5:30 - 7:00 pm Keynote speech by Francesca Trivellato (Yale University)

Self-Interest, “Difference,” and the Making of Europe's Commercial Society: Jewish-Christian Credit Relations before Emancipation

Many factors influence the flow of commercial credit: economic calculation, legal contracts, social ties, and cultural perceptions. This talk will argue that the study of the legal, economic, and cultural conditions under which Jews and Christians lent money to one other in the large commercial hubs of Western Europe before emancipation can offer a new narrative of Europe's transition from a society of status to a society of contract.

7:00 - 7:30 pm Reception (open to public, Oak Room)

Monday, 12 October 2015

9:00 - 10:30 am Panel IV: Realigning identities

Discussant: Jonathan Karp, SUNY Binghamton

Paris Papamichos-Chronakis, Merchants who feared the Nation. Jewish Commercial Politics during the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913

Nadia Zysman, Factory, Workshop and Homework: A spatial dimension of labor flexibility among Jewish migrants in the early twentieth-century Buenos Aires

Stephanie Seketa, Economic Nationalism and the Making of a “British” Corporation: J. Lyons versus Thomas Lipton in WWI Britain

10:45 - 12:15 pm Panel V: Marginality

Discussant: Matthias Lehmann, UC Irvine

Devi Mays, Becoming Illegal: Sephardi Jews in the Transnational Opium Trade

Niki Lefebvre, “The Other Essential Job of War”: Jewish American Merchants and the European Refugee Crisis after the Anschluss

1:30 – 3:00 pm Roundtable discussion

Francesca Trivellato, Yale; Mathias Lehnmann, UC Irvine; Jonathan Karp, SUNY Bingahmton; Derek Penslar, University of Toronto; Mirjam Zadoff, Indiana University

Workshop Organizers:

Dr. Paris Papamichos-Chronakis, University of Illinois at Chicago

Constanze Kolbe, Indiana University, Bloomington

The workshop is made possible with the generous support of:
The Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University,Bloomington
The Modern Greek Studies Association Initiative Grant
Mellon Innovating International Research, Teaching and Collaboration: Innovative Workshop in International Research, Teaching, and Collaboration, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Provost of International Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities and Undergraduate Education, Indiana University, Bloomington
The College of Arts and Humanities Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington
The European Union Center, Indiana University, Bloomington;
The Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Departments of International Studies, Ottoman and Turkish Studies, French and Italian, Indiana University, Bloomington.


Constanze Kolbe

Indiana University
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