Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life

Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life

European Sociological Association Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology
Vom - Bis
29.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
Lígia Ferro, Marta Smagacz - Poziemska ,M. Victoria Gómez, Patrícia Pereira, Juan Jose Villalon, Sebastian Kurtenbach

Contemporary cities are traversed by a diversity of movements, making them very special locus for analysing society. The ESA’s Research Network 37 - Urban Sociology - coordination team is working to stimulate scientific debate within the area of urban sociology. In times of digital information, conferences are very important spaces to debate current issues, showcase emerging research and discuss new approaches. The ESA Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology – Midterm Conference will take place at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, June, 29th July, 1st, 2016. Our will is to create a cross-disciplinary space of scientific debate open to sociologists and scientists from other disciplines interested in analysing and understanding urban life in moving cities around the globe. We welcome papers from young and senior academics developing research on cities and urban life, expecting that everyone can take useful insights to their works from their participation in this conference. We hope that this meeting can be a starting point for joint research and networking.
The conference is organised in five tracks (see below) and open sessions. Authors are invited to submit their abstract either to one of the five tracks (see below) or to the open sessions. Please submit one abstract to a single session only.
Abstracts in English of maximum 300 words should be submitted to until December, 15th. Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail either if you are proposing a paper for discussion in a specific track (identifying the number of the track) or to an open session (indicating Open Session). Notifications of acceptance will be sent by January, 29th.


Saskia Sassen, Columbia University in the City of New York Talja Blokland, Humboldt University of Berlin
Ayo Mansaray, University of East London
Jacek Gądecki, University of Science and Technology in Krakow

Track 1 - Methodological approaches to the moving city
Track 2- Moving cities: between structure and agency. Urban institutions and the pop-up city
Track 3- Social processes in the globalised moving city
Track 4- Dynamics and meanings of public spaces in the moving city
Track 5- Changing Neighbourhoods in the Moving City

If your work does not fit in these tracks, you can submit your proposal to the open sessions.

In this conference scientific posters are used as tools for networking. We welcome poster proposals (abstracts in English of max. 300 words) presenting draft projects and ideas for future projects from teams and individual researchers who are looking for research partners. The organization will print and display the selected posters in a visible place and will assign specific times to meet the authors.


Sebastian Kurtenbach

ZEFIR, Im Lottental 38, 44801 Bochum
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