3rd DH Benelux conference 2016

3rd DH Benelux conference 2016

Local Organization committee: Dr Catherine Jones (CVCE), Prof Andreas Fickers (uni.lu), Dr Lars Wieneke (CVCE), Max Kemman (uni.lu), Dr Florentina Armaselu (CVCE), Dr Marten Düring (CVCE), Anita Lucchesi (uni.lu)
Vom - Bis
09.06.2016 - 10.06.2016
Marten Düring

The 3rd DH Benelux conference will take place on 9-10 June 2016, at the City-of-Science-Belval, Luxembourg organised by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) and the University of Luxembourg. DH Benelux is a young initiative that aims to further the dissemination of, and collaboration between Digital Humanities activities in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary DH researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects. Previous conferences were held in The Hague, The Netherlands (2014) and Antwerp, Belgium (2015).

The call is open to all colleagues with an interest and enthusiasm for the humanities or digital technology (and ideally both). Submissions are welcome from researchers at all career stages. We particularly encourage PhD students and junior researchers to submit abstracts. We welcome humanities scholars, developers, computer and information scientists as well as librarians, archivists and museum curators. While the conference has a focus on recent advances in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg, we warmly welcome contributions from outside the Benelux.

The language of the conference is English.

Key dates

- Deadline for submitting abstracts: Sunday 31 January 2016
- Notification of acceptance: Monday 21 March 2016
- Revised abstracts : Monday 18 April 2016
- Deadline for sending poster postcard files for printing: Wednesday 11 May 2016 (see call details)

Call details

We invite submissions of abstracts on any aspect of digital humanities: practical experimentation, through theorising, cross- and multidisciplinary work, new and relevant developments. Relevant subjects can be any of—but are not limited to—the following:

- Digital media, digitisation, curation of digital objects
- Software studies, data modeling, information design and tool criticism.
- Text mining and data mining
- Applications of Linked Open Data
- Design and application of algorithms for analysis and visualisation methods
- Critical study and digital hermeneutics of digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital games and cyberculture
- Social and economic aspects of digitality and digital humanities
- Stylometry, topic modeling, sentiment mining and other digital technologies
- Pedagogy, teaching, and dissemination of digital humanities
- Human factors in DH technology: user research, crowd-sourcing, citizen science and public humanities
- Geo-humanities, spatial analysis and applications of GIS for Humanities research
- Digital scholarly editing and ePublications
- Virtual Research Environments / Research Infrastructures

For the 2016 conference we welcome papers in the following format:

For DH Benelux 2016 we welcome 4 types of proposals: (a) posters (b) application / tool demonstrations (c) short papers and (d) long papers. Depending on the type of proposal you would like to submit, abstracts should be between 500 and 1000 words. References and/or bibliography are recommended but are not obligatory, and are excluded from the word count. Proposals may contain graphics and illustrations. Abstracts should clearly state the title and name and affiliation of the authors and the presenters, if you have one please include your twitter username too. Also indicate for which category (or categories) of presentation you are submitting your proposal. Presentation categories are:

- Long papers (abstracts up to 750 – 1000 words, paper presentation 30 mins including questions) are suitable for presenting theorising, cross- and multidisciplinary work, research methods and concise theoretical argument. The research presented in a long paper should be completed or in final stages of development.
- Short papers (abstracts 500 – 750 words, paper presentation 15 mins including questions) are well suited reporting both early stage and ongoing research as well as project presentations, technical details and the results of practical experimentation and proof of concepts.
- Posters (abstract 500 words) are particularly suited for detailed technical explanations and clarifications, and for the show and tell of projects and research alike. Additionally we also plan to create a book of postcards based on all the posters presented in the conference, format details will be provided nearer the time.
- Demonstrations (abstracts 500 words) of prototypes, finished software, hardware technology, tools, datasets, digital publications and more will be shared with colleagues in the ‘DH Benelux market place’.

In addition to the traditional poster exhibition, we plan to create a take home book of postcards based on all the posters/demonstrations presented at the conference. If you would like to be included, we ask that you also create a postcard version of your poster that can be printed in A6 (148 x 105 mm). All postcard posters will be printed by DH Benelux and handed out at the conference. Therefore, we kindly ask that you provide your poster before Wednesday May 11 2016. Posters should be sent as PDF files (printing quality) to dhbenelux@gmail.com.

The abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the DH Benelux 2016 Programme Committee and selected abstracts will be published on the DH Benelux 2016 website (http://www.dhbenelux.org/).

We intend to publish a conference proceedings following DH Benelux 2016, a call will be made after the conference.
Abstract Submissions

Please submit your abstract by Sunday 31 January 2016 via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dhbenelux2016

Further details about the submission process will be available shortly.



Catherine Jones

CVCE Luxembourg


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