4th Pécs African Studies Conference: African Globalities – Global Africans

4th Pécs African Studies Conference: African Globalities – Global Africans

Africa Research Centre of the Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Pécs, in co-operation with the Hungarian African Studies journal (Afrika Tanulmányok) and the Africa Sub-Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
University of Pécs
Vom - Bis
09.06.2016 - 10.06.2016
István Tarrósy

By the 21st century African countries have become more integral part of global processes ranging from trade to regionalization, security to sports diplomacy. ‘Old’ and emerging actors in the African continent have offered increased engagements in all sectors of development. Although the ‘Africa Rising’ mantra has been echoed all over the world, sceptical voices about newly formed (but already known) dependencies are also heard. It is therefore prime time to re-visit what globalization means for Africans, what global realities are defined by the Africans themselves and how Africa is seen, as well as African development is interpreted by other global actors. At the same time, pointing at one of the significant aspects of globalization, trends and tendencies of both internal and intercontinental migration need a closer look at, especially in light of the recent refugee crisis in Europe. The transnational network of Africans across the globe is key to understanding African Globalities. When talking about the African diaspora and African migrants, however, their ‘neglected diaspora’ across countries of the former Soviet Bloc must not be forgotten any longer. In particular, at times when governments of Central and Eastern Europe also (re-)define policies to take a return to Africa.

The organizers welcome a broad range of papers that critically address issues of globalization, the (foreign) policies of the various actors across Africa, the international relations of African countries, as well as issues of migration and the global African diaspora. We especially encourage papers addressing issues such as, but not exclusive to:
- Emerging economies and their Africa policies
- The BRICS in Africa
- Europe-Africa relations
- Central and Eastern European countries and their (re-)engagements with African countries
- Globalization through African eyes – African responses to globalization in the 21st century
- African migration trends and configurations in the 21st century
- Internal migration: causes, consequences, policy responses in African countries and
tasks for Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
- Gender issues
- Circular migration
- Migration management: how different stakeholders (states, corporations and civil society) act and interact
- The current refugee crisis and how it is seen and interpreted from Africa

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Robert I. Rotberg (Harvard University, USA)
Founding Director, Kennedy School, Program on Intrastate Conflict
President Emeritus, World Peace Foundation

Distinguished African Lecture: Prof. Goran Hyden (University of Florida, USA)
Former Director, African Studies Center Distinguished Professor of Political Science

Those interested in presenting their research findings and scientifically backed opinions are requested to send their abstracts of maximum 300 words to tarrosy.istvan@pte.hu not later than midnight of 7 February 2016.

The final selection will be concluded by the Scientific Board of the Conference until 28 February 2016. Successful abstract authors will be invited not later than 4 March 2016 to participate as paper givers in the conference with instructions to submit their full-length papers.

The working language of the conference will be English.

There will be no conference fees, but the participants are expected to cover their accommodation and travel expenses in full. The organizers will provide information about suitable lodging options, their reservation, ideal travel routing and general local conditions in the City of Pécs.

Abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Board of the Conference composed of the following Hungarian researchers/ experts: Gábor Búr (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), György Suha (Wekerle Business School, Budapest), Judit Kiss (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest), Attila T. Horváth (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), István Tarrósy (University of Pécs), János Besenyő (Hungarian Defence Forces), Viktor Marsai (National University of Public Service), Zoltán Vörös (University of Pécs), Judit Bagi (University of Pécs)



Africa Research Centre
Faculty of Humanities
University of Pécs
Email: tarrosy.istvan@pte.hu