Monday, 14.3.2016
17:45 Registration
18:15 Opening and Welcome Address
Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Board of Directors, Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandeburg
18:45 Opening Speech, Prof. Dr. Annette Wieviorka (Paris): Does the Disappearance of the Witnesses Mark the End of an Era?
(Chair: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Berlin)
19:45 Reception
Tuesday, 15.3.2016
9:00 Keynote: Jeffrey Shandler (New Jersey): “Keep Talking!”: A Celebrity Holocaust Survivor’s Life Story Retold
(Chair: Gertrud Pickhan, Berlin)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Alina Bothe (Berlin), Andree Michaelis (Frankfurt/Oder): Introduction
11:15 1. Panel: Institutional Frameworks
(Chair: Diane L. Wolf, Davis)
Jared Stark (Florida): Questioning Authority: The Holocaust Testimony of Jolly Zeleny
Yehudit Dori-Deston (Jerusalem): Treblinka Survivors on the Witness Stand: Eliyahu Rosenberg’s Testimony in the Eichmann Trial, Treblinka Trials and Demjanjuk Trial
Henry Greenspan (Michigan): Putting Context in Context: Consistency and Difference in Multiple Accounts by the Same Survivors
13:30 Lunch Break
14:45 2. Panel: The Testimonies by Anita Lasker-Wallfisch
(Chair: Aubrey Pomerance, Berlin)
Christina Brüning (Berlin): Remembering Bearing Witness for the first time
Christoph Thonfeld (Taipei): Interviewing Anita Lasker-Wallfisch – Historical Analysis of Multiple Testimony
Cord Pagenstecher/Dorothee Wein (Berlin): Testimonies in Digital Environments. Supporting “Quellenkritik” with Anita Lasker-Wallfisch
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 3. Panel: Transmedial and Transhistorical Perspectives
(Chair: Markus Nesselrodt, Berlin)
Judith Gerson (New Brunswick): Testimonial Accounts as Explanations of Survivor Narratives
Dana Mihăilescu (Bucharest): Shifts in Testimony Focus depending on Medium and Temporal Context: On Ruth Glasberg Gold’s Holocaust Experiences in Transnistria
19:00 Conclusion of Second Day’s Papers
Wednesday, 16.3.2016
9:00 Keynote: Oren Baruch Stier (Florida): Landmarks of Memory: Memorial and Institutional Frames for Holocaust Videotestimonies
(Chair: Andree Michaelis, Frankfurt an der Oder)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 4. Panel: The Testimonies by Yehuda Bacon
(Chair: Andrea Genest, Berlin)
Sharon Kangisser Cohen (Jerusalem): Reframing Behavior: The Testimonies of Yehuda Bacon
Teresa Schäfer (Berlin): Testimony as Dialogue
Kobi Kabalek (Jerusalem): “Professional Survivors” and the Shape of Holocaust Memory
12:45 Lunch Break
14:00 5. Panel: The Future of Testimony
(Chair: Alina Bothe, Berlin)
James Jordan (Southampton): Is the Medium the Message? The Oral, Literal, Visual, Virtual Transition of Testimony
Alasdair Richardson (Winchester): Who Owns my Story?
Holocaust Survivors Evaluating the Changing Landscapes of their Own Narratives over Time.
Rachel Baum (Wisconsin): Remediating the Body of the Witness: Holocaust Testimonies in New Media
16:15 Coffee Break
16:30 Roundtable, Closing Remarks
(Chair: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Berlin)
Participants: Annette Wieviorka, Jeffrey Shandler, Oren B. Stier, Diane L. Wolf
17:30 Closing