Communicating International Organisations in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Communicating International Organisations in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Jonas Brendebach (EUI), Martin Herzer (EUI), Heidi Tworek (University of British Columbia)
Villa Schifanoia, Sala Europa
Vom - Bis
10.03.2016 - 12.03.2016
Jonas Brendebach

International organisations throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are unimaginable without the media. People around the globe learned about international organisations and their activities largely through the media and images created by journalists, publicists, and filmmakers in texts, sound bites, and pictures. In many cases, the very existence and success of international organisations depended on media attention, communication, and publicity. This conference explores how international organisations were communicated to the public via the media during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The conference aims to bring together two burgeoning, yet largely unconnected strands of research: the history of international organisations and media history.


Thursday, 10.03.2016

14:00–14:30 Welcome and Introduction
14:30–16:30 Panel 1: Imagining International Organizations in the Long 19th Century
Robert M. Spaulding (UNC Wilmington): The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) and the European Media, 1815-1848
Richard R. John (Columbia University): The Iconography of the Universal Postal Union in the Anglo-American World
Stephen Wertheim (Princeton University/University of Cambridge): Reading the International Mind: World Opinion in Early Twentieth Century International Thought
Commentator: Davide Rodogno (Graduate Institute Geneva)

17:00-18:30 Keynote
Glenda Sluga (University of Oxford/University of Sydney): Hollywood, the UN, and the Long History of Communicating Internationalism

Friday, 11.03.2016

09:00–11:00 Panel 2: Interwar Expansion
Heidi Tworek (University of British Columbia): Communicable Disease: How the League of Nations Used Information to Prevent Epidemics
Laure Piguet (University of Geneva): The International Labour Organization's Communication: Press Releases as a Case Study (1919-1932)
Arthur Asseraf (University of Oxford): Where the Cable Ends: News of International Institutions in French Algeria, 1919-1940
Commentator: Sandrine Kott (University of Geneva)

11:30-13:30 Panel 3: The UN Moment in the 1940s
Frank Beyersdorf (Humboldt University of Berlin/University of Mannheim): The 'United Nations Ideal' in War and Peace: Strategies of International Information Policy in the 1940s
Jessica Reinisch (Birkbeck College): Auntie UNRRA to the Rescue
Steffen Rimner (Columbia University): A Media Storm and International Justice: From Japan's Drug Conspiracy to U.N. Drug Control
Commentator: Federico Romero (EUI Florence)

14:30–16:30 Panel 4: Journalists as International Actors
Martin Herzer (EUI Florence): Journalists for 'Europe'. Europeanist Journalism and the European Economic Community in Postwar Western European Integration
Ettore Costa (La Sapienza – University of Rome): The Socialist International and the Global Public Sphere: Missed Opportunity or Impossible Dream? (1947-49)
Erik Koenen (University of Bremen): The League of Nations: An International Organisation in Transnational Entanglement of Journalism, Media and Public Communication during the Inter-War Period (1919-1939)
Commentator: Jürgen Wilke (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)

17:00-18:30 Keynote
Iris Schröder (University of Erfurt): Pictures and the Media Politics of Pity: The Ethiopian Famine, the Civil war and International Organizations' Aid in the 1980s

Saturday, 12.03.2016

09:00–10:20 Panel 5: Alternative Orders
Jonas Brendebach (EUI Florence): Towards a New Global Order? UNESCO, Development and "National Communication Policies" in the 1970s
Vanessa Freije (University of Washington/Dartmouth College): Imperialism in the Public Sphere: Organizing the New World Information and Communication Order from Mexico City
Commentator: Corinna Unger (EUI Florence)

10:45–12:15 Panel 6: Campaigning for the Good
Claudia Prinz (Humboldt University of Berlin): Women and the Media: The "Third World Mother" in International Health Campaigns
Monika Baár (Leiden University): Vulnerable Groups in the Centre of Global Attention: Communicating the UN's "International Years" in the Media
Commentator: Annette Vowinckel (Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam)

12.15–13.30 Panel 7: Commodifying International Connections
Tehila Sasson (University of London): The Global Jukebox: Humanitarianism, Capitalism and the Global Media
Gabriele Clemens (University of Hamburg): Advertising Europe: Promoting European Integration through Film
Commentator: Annette Vowinckel (Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam)


Jonas Brendebach

European University Institute, Villa Schifanoia (HEC), Via Boccaccio 121
50133 Florenz - ITALIEN

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