(Dis)Connecting Circuits Affecting the Production of Knowledge in the Social Sciences

(Dis)Connecting Circuits Affecting the Production of Knowledge in the Social Sciences

Institut für Soziologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Bildungshaus Wiesneck in Buchenbach bei FReiburg
Vom - Bis
16.03.2016 - 18.03.2016
Saalmann, Gernot

Nachdem die Soziologie bisher vor allem die Produktion wissenschaftlichen Wissens untersucht hat und im zweiten Schritt auch die Zirkulation dieses Wissens, möchte dieser Workshop den nächsten Schritt tun, und danach fragen, wie unterschiedliche Wissenskreisläufe miteinander verbunden sind.

Im Anschluss an ein bereits abgeschlossenes Forschungsprojekt (gefördert vom BMBF) soll diese Frage mit einer Mischung aus Teilnehmern bisheriger Workshops und neu gewonnenen Referenten in einer intensiven Arbeitsatmosphäre in Angriff genommen werden.


Wednesday, 16.3.2016

14:00 Arrival, Registration and Settling
15:00 Welcome Coffee/Tea

15:30 ─ 16:00 Welcome and Introduction:
Wiebke Keim, Barbara Riedel

16:00 ─ 18:30 Session 1: Reflections on the Concept of Connectivity
Tobias Schlechtriemen (University of Freiburg): How to Describe Practices of Connecting and Disconnecting – Reflections on the Concept of 'Connectivity'

Stefan Fornos Klein (Universidade de Brasilia): Can Critical Theory Still 'Connect' in Social Sciences? Between Disciplinary Formulations and Social Theory

Gernot Saalmann (University of Freiburg): Transnational Connections – A New Mechanism of Exclusion?

19:00 Dinner

Thursday, 17.3.2016

9:00 ─ 10:30 Session 2: Connecting Concepts and Theories between Different Disciplines and Areas I
Leandro Rodríguez Medina (Universidad de las Américas, Puebla): Have Architects Heard about the Spatial Turn in the Social Sciences? Or How to Be Creative by Ignoring Social Knowledge

Wiebke Keim (CNRS/SAGE & University of Freiburg): Connection or Disconnection? The Bibliometric Framing of the Islamization of Knowledge Debate

10:30 ─ 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 ─ 12:15 Session 3: Connecting Concepts and Theories between Different Disciplines and Areas II
Natacha Bacolla (CONICET/Universidad National de Rosario): How to Connect or Disconnect Ideas? A Case Study on Network and Knowledge Circulation in the First Half of the 20th Century: the Institute of the University of Paris in Buenos Aires

Clara Ruvituso (University of Rostock): Thinking in Spanish: Connections and Disconnections Writing Philosophy in Latin America

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 ─ 15:30 Session 4: Connecting Concepts and Theories Across and Within Disciplines
Veronika Wöhrer (University of Vienna): Connected but Ignored? Transnational Feminism in the USA

Gildas Renou (SAGE, Strasbourg): The Art of Assembling and Binding Heterogeneous Topics. Understanding the Emergence of a New International Academic Field: Ecological Economics

15:30 ─ 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 ─ 18:30 Session 5: Connecting and Reflecting Knowledge
Tamer Söyler (Universidade Federal Fluminense): Global Partnership in Knowledge Sharing: Connecting Networks of Knowledge in the Global South and North

Wiebke Keim, Barbara Riedel, Tobias Schlechtriemen, Gernot Saalmann: Connecting the Presentations and Discussions

19:00 Dinner

Friday, 18.3.2016

9:00 ─ 10:45 Session 6: Tracing and Overcoming Obstacles to Connectivity
Barbara Riedel (University of Freiburg): The Problem of Voice: Local Archives, Local Chronicles and Oral Sources. A Case Study on the Mappila Muslims of Kerala (South India)

Fatma Sagir (University of Freiburg): Where is the Wisdom of Our Elders? How Migration Changed the Way of Telling Family History and Shaping Tradition for Turkish Migrants in Germany

10:45 ─ 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 ─ 12:15 Final Discussion

12:30 Lunch and Farewell

14.30 Train from station “Himmelreich”



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