Vital Brains: The Making and Use of Models in Neuroscience

Vital Brains: The Making and Use of Models in Neuroscience

Neuroscience and Society Network organizers: Sam McLean and Tara Mahfoud, PhD Candidates, Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine, King's College London; Critical Neuroscience network organizers: Philipp Haueis, PhD Candidate, Berlin School of Mind and Brain Jan Slaby, Junior Professor of Philosophy, Free University of Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Room KL 32/202.
Vom - Bis
07.04.2016 - 08.04.2016
Philipp Haueis

Using models to understand the human brain is hardly new. The practice has been used widely in the natural and life sciences since the 1800s, and continues today. Yet very little study by social scientists has been dedicated to how the neurosciences develop and use models to better understand what the brain is and how it works, including the complex entanglements between brains and the social. The workshop aims to understand the problems associated with modelling the brain by exploring the history and use of physical models of the brain, the development of digital models and simulations of the brain, and the development and use of animal models in neuroscience.
The workshop will tackle four key questions:
1) How are brain models created and used in teaching and research?
2) What are the conceptual benefits, and limits of abstracting the brain from its context?
3) What would a ‘vital’ model of the brain look like?
4) What are the implications of brain modelling for the social?


April 7 2016

Introduction by the organizers
(Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean, Jan Slaby & Philipp Haueis)

Bridging the Gap between System and Cell: the Role of 7T MRI in Human Neuroscience
Robert Turner, MPI Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig

Vitalism, Neuroscience, and the Problem of Translation
Nikolas Rose, King’s College London

Your Brain on a Plate: Towards a History of 3D Models of the Brain
Marius Kwint, University of Portsmouth

Models of What Exactly? Tales from the Workbenches of Contemporary
Imaging Neuroscience
Johannes Bruder, Academy of Art and Design FHNW

Epistemic Virtues of Visualization: The Living Brain Revisited
Cornelius Borck, University of Lübeck

April 8 2016

09:00 - 11:00
Models, Machines, and Mental Labour: Information Processing, 1950-1980
Max Stadler, ETH Zurich

What is Vital to Model? Negotiating Tops and Bottoms in the European
Union’s Human Brain Project
Tara Mahfoud, King’s College London

Knowledge by Large-Scale Neural Simulations
Maria Serban, University of Copenhagen

Living with Indiscernible Matter: Modelling Drug Memories
Sam McLean, King’s College London

Connectomes as Constitutively Epistemic Objects
Philipp Haueis, Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Jan Slaby, Free University of Berlin

Drugged and Dreaming Brains: Two Opaque Models to Explore the
Neurobiological Basis of Mental Phenomena
Nicolas Langlitz, New School for Social Research

14:30 - 16:30
Slicing the Brain to Study Mental Illness: Reflecting with Alois Alzheimer
on the Normal and the Pathological Brain
Lara Keuck, Humboldt University Berlin

Animal Models, Economic Decision-Making, and the Length of the
(Primate) Work Day
Gail Davies, University of Exeter

Marketing the Model: Patents and Mouse Strains in Alzheimer’s Research
Bronwyn Parry, King’s College London


Philipp Haueis

Berlin School of Mind and Brain
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