The Latin Talmud

Prof. Dr. Alexander Fidora / PD Dr. Görge K. Hasselhoff, ERC-project: "The Latin Talmud" FP7/ 2007-2013 (ERC Grant agreement n. 613694), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Torre Vila-Puig, Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-01893 Bellaterra, Catalunya
Vom - Bis
27.06.2016 - 28.06.2016
Görge Hasselhoff

The purpose of the LATTAL project is to edit and publish the largest extant collection of Talmudic passages translated from Hebrew into Latin, that is, the 'Extractiones de Talmud', while studying this ground-breaking document in the context of the trial and burning of the Talmud in 1240-42 and its aftermath.
When during the 13th century Christian theologians started to examine and translate the Talmud from Hebrew and Aramaic into Latin, they were faced with a huge body of texts which represented centuries of legalistic and homiletic materials. The discovery of this immense post-biblical Jewish literature became a source of fascination for Christians who believed that this text, which encompasses every aspect of Jewish life, was fundamental both for refuting the Jewish faith and for substantiating the truth of Christianity. This realization heralded a rethinking of the place of Jews in Christian society and redefined Christian-Jewish dialogue and polemic.
The workshop shall introduce into the project and discuss first findings. In addition, invited scholars will give their expertise on aspects of the transmission of the Talmud, the events of the Parisian Talmud trials and their aftermath, and the wirkungsgeschichte of the Talmud translation.


Monday 27 June 2016

10:00-10:30 Óscar de la Cruz / Ulisse Cecini (Barcelona), "Introduction to the Edition of the Latin Talmud from c.1240"
10:30-13:00 Reading and Discussion of Berakhot 3a-4b (Latin and Aramaic/English) [Chair: Eulàlia Vernet (Barcelona)]
14:30-15:30 Andreas Lehnardt (Mainz), "Talmud Fragments in the 'European Genizah'"
15:45-16:45 Piero Capelli (Venezia), "Analysis of Donin's 35 Articles"
17:00-18:00 Ursula Ragacs (Wien), "Paris 1240: Further pieces of the puzzle"
18:15-19:15 Wout Jac. van Bekkum (Groningen), "The Secrets of the 'Liber Krubot': Hebrew Poetry Translated into Latin"

Tuesday 28 June 2016

10:00-13:00 Reading and Discussion of Sanhedrin 96a-97a (Latin and Aramaic/English) [Chair: Enric Cortès (Barcelona)]
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-15:30 Görge K. Hasselhoff (Dortmund / Barcelona), "The Translation of Maimonides' 'Dux neutrorum' as a Reaction to the Talmud Trial?"
15:45-16:45 Philippe Bobichon (Paris), "Sanhedrin in Ramon Martí's Pugio fidei"
17:00-18:00 Moises Orfali (Ramat-Gan), "Jerónimo de Santa Fe and his Use of Sanhedrin"
18:15-19:00 Round Table Discussion, Chair: Harvey Hames (Beer Sheva)


PD Dr. Görge Hasselhoff

TU Dortmund
FK 14 Humanwissenschaften und Theologie
Emil-Figge-Str. 50; 2.406
D-44227 Dortmund

ERC-Project "The Latin Talmud"
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Bcn)