The Ideal Animal - How Images of Animals and Animals were Created

The Ideal Animal - How Images of Animals and Animals were Created

Ulrike Heitholt / Steven van der Laan
Vom - Bis
02.06.2016 - 03.06.2016
Ulrike Heitholt

The immutability of species was one of the core-aspects of the idea of a “great chain of being” and resided still strongly in the works of for instance Linnaeus. It took until the nineteenth century, after the publication of the works of Lamarck and Darwin, that it became generally accepted that animals change. Very slowly, due to changing environments or variation and selection, and much quicker through human intervention. Humans shape animals, striving for the ideal form they have in mind for particular animals. This is especially the case for animals that live in close proximity to us, such as livestock and pets. Selective breeding has brought on most of the changes to chickens, dogs and all the other animals that we label domesticated. We have been doing so long before Darwin. Examples are plenty, including most famously Robert Bakewell’s practices in the eighteenth century, but in fact they go back to the first attempts at domestication, tens of thousands of years ago.

The use of selective breeding increased in nineteenth century farming. Breeding societies appeared, the number of breeds increased and breeding methods kept on developing. Animals had to be improved, or, in the breeders’ jargon, ‘ennobled.’ This meant in practice that particular animals had to conform to an ideal image, a breed standard. At breeding-exhibitions, much attention was given to the appearance of animals and only the most 'perfect' animals were shown and were awarded prizes. In other settings, such as the development of factory farming, different ideals played a role in the production of the ideal animal, such as growth, food intake or fertility. Ideal images of animals existed also outside the world of livestock breeding. Especially in nineteenth century England, members of the many existing pet-breeding societies were also pursuing strategies to create the ideal animal. The number of breeds produced only increased in the twentieth century.

These two very different worlds have at least one thing in common: In each case, an ideal image is formed and a breeding method or/and system developed in an attempt to reach this ideal. This ideal image changed over time, led to transformations of breeds or resulted in the creation of (new) breeds. And so did also the methods and systems to achieve this. In this conference we explore how these ideal images and animals came into being and how the methods and images changed over the nineteenth and twentieth century, and how these changes related to the development of theories on inheritance.

The conference is organised on the 2nd and 3d of June in the town of Witzenhausen near Kassel. Admission is free of charge, but please register before the 22nd of May at the conference website.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the following: University of Kassel, LOEWE Research Cluster “Animals-Humans-Society”, the LOEWE-Programme, Utrecht University and the Descartes Centre.

For further information, please contact the organisers: Ulrike Heitholt ( and Steven van der Laan (


2 June

12 h - Registration, coffee, snacks
12.30h Welcome address

12.45h-14.45h Panel 1: Creation of Breeds
Chair: Werner Troßbach
- Jadon Nisley - The Ideal Dairy Cow of the German Economic Enlightenment: Knowledge Production and Transfer on a State-Run Model Farm (1782-1795)
- Diana Krischke - Horse breeding history with focus on baroque times
- Hilja Toivio - The integration of international influences to national requirements in the Finnish horse breeding in the 1890s
- Rhys Evans - Nurturing Nature: the intersection of society and genes in the production of Nordic native breed horses

14.45h-15.15h Break

15.15h- 17.15h Panel 2: Breeding Methods
Chair: Sven König
- Brett Mizelle - "Good form and appearance, and good pedigree, should go together": Lewis F. Allen and the Pursuit of the Ideal Animal in Nineteenth-Century America
- Ulrike Heitholt - Ideal Bodies - Measuring Cattle at the End of the 19th Century
- John Martin - Improved the genetic performance of Dairy cattle: Case study of the contribution of George Odlum and the Manningford herd of British Friesians
- Kate Whiston - “The best bird has yet to be bred”: Ruffling Feathers and Contesting Aesthetics in British Pigeon Fancying, c.1850-1939

17.15h - 17.45h Break

17.45h- 19.15h Panel 3: Art and Science of Breeding
Chair: André Krebber
- Sven König - Breeding the ideal dairy cow: strategies in the past, present and future
- Steven van der Laan - The demise of Dutch pig breeding exhibitions. A discussion on selection methods?
- Jeanette Vaught (Austin, Texas) - Breeding Through the Body: Learning to See Genes in American Herefords

20.00h Dinner

3 June

8.30h Coffee
9h- 11h Panel 4: Transforming Breeds
Chair: Brett Mizelle
- Jesper Oldenburger - Breeding an ‘above-average’ Texel: statistics and breeding sheep in the Netherlands 1966-1992
- Liesbeth van der Waaij - Meat or eggs? Specialization in Dutch chicken farming in the sixties and seventies.
- Veronika Settele - „Vom Fettschwein zum Fleischschwein“. Transformations of Pig Farming in Post‐War‐Germany
- Uta König von Borstel - Presentation of German Holstein dairy cows on cow shows between 1950 and 2015: An analysis based on professional photographs of cow shows

11h- 12h Brunch

12h-14h Panel 5: Animal Breeds and Society
Chair: Mieke Roscher
- Amir Zelinger - Creating Ideal Companions: Dog Breeding in Imperial Germany
- Magdalena Dabrowska - The pleasure of looking. Purebred dogs in photography and advertisement
- Ulrike Kirchberger - Acclimatization Societies in Nineteenth-Century Australia: Ideals and Realities
- Tamar Novick - Udderly Marvelous: Creating the Perfect Settler Cow

14h-14.30h Final Discussion and Farewells


Ulrike Heitholt

Uni Kassel, LOEWE-Schwerpunkt Tier-Mensch-Gesellschaft
Mosenthalstr. 8, 34109 Kassel
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