Demographic Concepts, Population Policy, Genocide - The First World War as a Caesura?

Demographic Concepts, Population Policy, Genocide - The First World War as a Caesura?

Universität Potsdam (Lehrstuhl für Militärgeschichte/Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt; Lepsiushaus Potsdam
Universität Potsdam/Lepsiushaus Potsdam
Vom - Bis
29.09.2016 - 01.10.2016
Christin Pschichholz

Conference: Demographic Concepts, Population Policy, Genocide - The First World War as a Caesura?


29th of September 2016
4.00-6.00 p.m. Registration University Potsdam
6.00 p.m.
Opening of the Conference
University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, house 9, room 1.12
Sönke Neitzel (University of Potsdam), Rolf Hosfeld (Lepsiushaus Potsdam)
Keynote Speech
Ronald G. Suny (University of Michigan)
Imperial Choices: Perceiving Threats and the Descent to Genocide

30th of September 2016
University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, house 9, room 1.12
09.30 a.m-12.00
Panel I: Border(lands) Becoming Blurred: Austro-Hungarian Warfare, Occupation Policy, and Ethnic Cleansing
Moderation: Sönke Neitzel (University of Potsdam)
Jonathan Gumz (University of Birmingham)
The Habsburg Army and the War Within: The Self-Destruction of a State
Hannes Leidinger (Universität Wien)
Systematization of Hatred. Dangers of Escalation and Genocidal Violence in Habsburg´s Warfare, 1914-1918
Coffee Break
Heiko Brendel (University of Potsdam)
Between the Ottoman and the Serb Yoke
Austro-Hungarian Population Policy in Occupied Montenegro, 1916-1918
Commentary: Michael Schwartz (Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin)

12.00-1.00 p.m
Lunch Break

1.00-3.30 p.m.
Panel II: Ottoman Borderlands: Social Engineering, Military Crisis and Genocide
Moderation: Roy Knocke (Lepsiushaus Potsdam)
Isa Blumi (University of Stockholm)
The Fine Line between Genocide and Defeat: The Forgotten Roles of Smugglers in the Demographic Regime of World War I - Ottomans, the Arabian and Albanian Fronts
Thomas Schmutz (University of Newcastle, Australia)
Between Empires: Violence, Dynamics and Interaction in the Ottoman-Russian Borderlands
Coffee Break
Emre Erol (Sabanci University)
Towards a More Holistic History of Demographic Engineering in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Unionists, Greeks and Armenians (1913-1918)
Commentary: Mark Levene (University of Southampton)

3.30-4.00 p.m.
Coffee Break

4.00-6.30 p.m.
Panel III: Paramilitary, Escalation of Violence and Creating a Homeland
Moderation: Bernd Lemke (ZMSBW Potsdam)
Oktay Özel (Bilkent University Ankara)
Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’s Role in the Armenian Genocide: A Reinterpretation
Hilmar Kaiser
The Der Zor Massacres
Coffe Break
M. Talha Çiçek (University of London)
Immigrating Empire: Djemal Pasha, Unionist Government and the Arab Exiles to Anatolia during the Great War
Commentary: Nader Sohrabi (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

1st October 2016
Lepsiushaus Potsdam
9.30 a.m-12.00
Panel IV: Russian Empire: Forms of Nationalizing the Borderlands
Moderation: Hülya Adak (Sabancı University Istanbul)
Konrad Zieliński (University of Lublin)
The Jews and the Bolsheviks. The October Revolution and Escalation of Radical Anti-Semitism in the Polish Lands during the WWI and the First Years of Independent Poland
Serhiy Choliy (National Technical University of Ukraine , Kyiv Polytechnic Institute)
War as a Model of Population Displacement in the Modern World: Galicia and its Inhabitants in WWI
Coffee Break
Peter Holquist (University of Pennsylvania)
The Soviet Policy of Decossackization during the Russian Civil War (1919)
Commentary: Michael A. Reynolds (Princeton University)

12.00-1.30 p.m.

1.30-4.00 p.m.
Panel V: Population Policy: Inspiration and Reception in the Context of War
Moderation: Bastian Matteo Scianna (University of Potsdam)
Arno Barth (University of Duisburg-Essen)
The Securitization of Minorities in World War I
Petra Svoljšak (University of Nova Gorica)
The Italian Policy and the First World War - The Slovanian Case
Coffee Break
Christin Pschichholz (University of Potsdam)
German Empire: Imperial Aspiration and the Reception of Ethnic Violence
Commentary: Ulrich Sieg (University of Marburg)


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