Gentner Symposium: Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945 -- The Sacred and the Profane

Gentner Symposium: Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945 -- The Sacred and the Profane

Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach; Simon-Dubnow-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur e.V.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The National Library of Israel
Vom - Bis
27.09.2016 - 29.09.2016
Elisabeth Gallas

Gentner Symposium

Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945 --
The Sacred and the Profane


Day 1: 27 September 2016
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rabin Building, Room 2001

15:30 Greetings:
Yfaat Weiss
(Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center)
Caroline Jessen
(Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach)
Elisabeth Gallas
(Simon Dubnow Institute)

16:00–17:30 PANEL 1: Dimensions of Material Culture – Objects, Emotions, Memory

Chair: Arndt Engelhardt (The Hebrew University/Simon Dubnow Institute)

Caroline Jessen (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach):
Affirming Ownership, Obscuring Provenance? Émigré Collections in Israel and Germany after 1945

Stefanie Mahrer (University of Basel):
Lace Doilies and Cyclamens: Emotional Aspects of Material Culture

Ada Wardi (Tel Aviv):
How did Michael Kolhass Immigrate to Jerusalem?
Reading the Design Work of Dr. Spitzer: Reflections on Books as “Objects of Cultural Message”

Evening Lecture

Chair: Lina Barouch (The Hebrew University/Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach)

Ulrich Raulff (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach)
The Wanderer and his Shadow.
Aby Warburg and his Library

Day 2: 28 September 2016

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rabin Building, Room 2001

9:30–11:00 PANEL 2: Shifting Centers: Cultural Reconstruction − Semantics and Politics

Chair: Dan Diner (The Hebrew University)

Yfaat Weiss (The Hebrew University):
The Tricks of Memory: Salo Baron, Cecil Roth, and the
Salvaging of Jewish Property in Europe

Gil Rubin (Columbia University):
The Victory of Emancipation: Salo Baron and the Postwar Jewish Question

Yehuda Dvorkin (The Hebrew University):
A Jewish-English Debate of Restitution:
Patriotism, Zionism and Continentalism

11:30–13:00 PANEL 3: Transitory Spaces: Negotiating the
Future of Cultural Property

Chair: Aya Elyada (The Hebrew University)

Iris Lauterbach (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München):
The Munich Central Collecting Point and the first
Restitutions 1945-1949

Bilha Shilo (The Hebrew University):
A Struggle over Property and Status: The Fate of YIVO's Newspaper Collection

Yael Levi (The Hebrew University):
Personal Inheritances for the Hebrew University, 1935-1948

14:30–16:00 PANEL 4: The Heart of Darkness: Contested Property in Poland

Chair: Marcos Silber (University of Haifa)

Yifat Gutman (The Hebrew University):
Reviving and Contesting Jewish Culture in Contemporary Poland

Yechiel Weizman (University of Haifa):
Eliminating the Traces: The Postwar Fate of the Jewish Sites in Olkusz, Poland

Alon Simhayoff (The Hebrew University):
Who Owns Polish-Jewish Cultural Property?

16:30–18:00 Roundtable: Negotiating Provenance and

Chair: Mira Lapidot (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem)

Inka Bertz (Jewish Museum Berlin)
Emily Bilski (Jerusalem)
Marcel Lepper (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach)
Julia Voss (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

Day 3: 29 September 2016
National Library of Israel

10:00–12:00 Presentation of Archival Holdings of the National Library of Israel

Introduction/Chair: Stefan Litt (The National Library of Israel):

Hanan Harif (The Hebrew University):
Shelomo Dov Goitein's Archive as a Source for 20th Century Cultural History

Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan (The Hebrew University):
What does a Displaced Historian Keep? Walter Grab's Archive

Amit Levy (The Hebrew University):
Cataloguing the Martin Plessner Collection(s): A Researcher's Point of View

14:00–16.00 PANEL 5: Transfer of Knowledge – Migrating Property

Chair: Irene Aue-Ben-David (Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem)

Elisabeth Gallas (Simon Dubnow Institute):
Capsules of Time, Tradition and Memory: Salvaging Jewish Books after 1945

Anna Kawałko (The Hebrew University):
Jewish Intellectuals and Restitution of Cultural Property: Ernst Grumach in Berlin, 1941-1949

Enrico Lucca (The Hebrew University):
Finding a New Home for German Jewry: The Years 1946−1948 in the Life of Hugo Bergmann

Adi Livny (The Hebrew University):
The Archive of the Hebrew University: Technical and Intellectual Challenges

16:30–18:00 PANEL 6: Narrative Reflection on Materiality and Cultural Property

Chair: Doerte Bischoff (Universität Hamburg)

Joachim Schlör (University of Southampton):
Reflections on the Loss of material Objects in Emigration Correspondence

Lina Barouch (The Hebrew University/Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach):
What Remains? Barbara Honigmann and Gershom Scholem Recount the Reconvening of Books and Libraries in Short Story, Diary and Report

Ynon Wygoda (The Hebrew University):
Die Schrift in the Holy Land: The Curious Case of Nehama Leibowitz and the Early Reception of the Buber-Rosenzweig Translation in Israel


Dr. Elisabeth Gallas
Simon-Dubnow-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur an der Universität Leipzig
Goldschmidtstr. 28
04103 Leipzig
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