Shared Sacred Places and Multi-Religious Space: Interactions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims – Past and Present

Shared Sacred Places and Multi-Religious Space: Interactions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims – Past and Present

Leibniz-Institute of European History
Vom - Bis
26.09.2016 - 28.09.2016
Mainz, Stefanie

The coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims has a long tradition in Europe and the Mediterranean. In this multi-religious landscape, people have always shared certain sacred places.
The papers presented at this conference shed new light on the actors and practices related to multi-religious places and spaces. They highlight diff erent degrees of interaction, regulation, and conflict from Late Antiquity to present times.

The conference takes place within the IEG focus topic 2016/17 »Europe from the Margins«.


Monday, 26 September

Irene Dingel, Mainz
Manfred Sing, Mainz

Shared Sacred Places I
Chair: Christina Hadjiafxenti, Mainz
Ute Verstegen, Marburg: Marian Shrines as Shared Sacred Places from Late Antiquity to the Present
Dionigi Albera, Aix-en-Provence: Shared Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean

Shared Sacred Places II
Chair: Christopher Voigt-Goy, Mainz
Glenn Bowman, Kent: Grounds for Sharing – Occasions for Conflict: An Inquiry into the Social Foundations of Cohabitation and Antagonism
Maria Couroucli, Paris: Sharing Holy Places and Living Side-by-Side: Locality, Sacredness and Hospitality

Round Table:
Andachtsräume an Flughäfen – Multireligiöse Orte in nicht-religiöser Umgebung
Andreas Duscha, Wien
Andreas Beitin, Aachen
Katharina Woll, Mainz

Tuesday, 27 September

Multi-Religious Space in South-Eastern Europe
Chair: Denise Klein, Mainz
Antonis Hadjikyriacou, Rethymno: Beyond the Millet Debate: Aspects of the Theory and Practice of Inter- and Intra-Communal Coexistence in Ottoman Cyprus
Méropi Anastassiadou, Strasbourg Sacred Places of a Holy City: Crossing religious boundaries in 20th Century Istanbul

Chair: Mihai Grigore, Mainz
Stefan Rohdewald, Gießen: Interreligious Co-Presence in the European South East: Approaches to Texts on Sarı Saltuk from the Late Middle Ages to the Present
Tanja Zimmermann, Leipzig: Capturing the genius loci: Claims of Autochthony and Appropriations of Cultural Heritage (Bosnia and the Kosovo Field from Imperialism to Post-Communist Times)

Multi-Religious Space: Muslim Perspectives
Chair: Manfred Sing, Mainz
Alexandra Cuffel, Bochum: Sayyida Nafisa as Transitional Figure between Muslims and non-Muslims in Mamluk Egypt
Mohammed Hashas, Rome: On European Islam: The Rise of Modern Islamic Personalism

Venue: Erbacher Hof, Grebenstraße 24-26

Keynote Lecture:
Wie sich Religionen arrangieren: Geschichte und Formen gemeinsamer Sakralräume
Bärbel Beinhauer-Köhler, Marburg
Comment: Johannes Paulmann, Mainz
Venue: Erbacher Hof, Grebenstraße 24-26

Wednesday, 28 September

Multi-Religious Space: Jewish Perspectives
Chair: Cornelia Aust, Mainz
Pawel Maciejko, Jerusalem: Portraits of Kabbalists as Young Men: Count Waldstein, Chevalier de Seingalt, Baron von Adlersthal
Jessica Marglin, Los Angeles: Jewish and Islamic Courts as Shared Sacred Spaces in Modern Morocco

Modern Urban Space
Chair: Benedetta Serapioni, Mainz
Roberto Mazza, Limerick: Towards the End of Coexistence and Shared Space: Urban Violence and Jerusalem 1920
Michael Dumper, Exeter: Current Controversies Concerning Access to Shared Holy Sites: A Comparison of Jerusalem and Cordoba

Concluding Discussion

In Cooperation with:
Erbacher Hof (Akademie des Bistums Mainz),
ZIS Zentrum für Interkulturelle Studien Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)
Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus: Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)


Dr. Manfred Sing

Alte Universitaetsstr. 19,
D-55116 Mainz, Germany
+ 49 (o) 6131-3939475
+ 49 (o) 6131-3935326