Imperial Subjects and Social Commitment: An Endowment History from 1750 to 1918

Imperial Subjects and Social Commitment: An Endowment History from 1750 to 1918

University of Vienna, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Lecture Hall, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Vom - Bis
16.11.2016 - 18.11.2016
Nathalie Patricia Soursos

In the past two decades historians have paid increased attention to endowments, foundations and donations as social and religious phenomena. By acting as patrons of art, culture and education but also by promoting social welfare and healthcare, benefactors conceive their beneficiary actions as charitable work. Moreover, endowments were traditionally embedded in a religious context and could be connected to religious intentions such as the benefactor’s remembrance and the commemoration of his deceased soul.

We regard endowments as indicators of central importance for the construction and representation of the benefactor’s identity and as a pivotal strategy of economic and social integration in the host environment used by members of diaspora communities.

The central goal of the workshop is to foster an understanding of European endowment history, which is open to intercultural and transnational perspectives, while contributing to the regional, social, economic and migration history of Vienna from the 18th to the 20th century.


Wednesday, November 16th 2016

18:00 – 19:45 Keynote Lecture
Michael Borgolte (Berlin), Wie Neues in die Welt kommt. Zu Aufkommen und Verbreitung des Stiftungswesens in universalgeschichtlicher Perspektive

Thursday, November 17th 2016

9:15 – 9:30 Introduction
Maria A. Stassinopoulou (Wien)
Bringing the threads together: micro-histories and comparative history

9:30 – 11:00 Panel I: Practices and Narrations of Endowments in the Early Modern Period
(Chair: Lioba Theis)

Markus Koller (Bochum)
Ottoman Endowments in the Mirror of Local Chronicles (17th – 18th century)

Sarah Pichlkastner (Vienna)
Foundations for the Viennese Civic Hospital and their impact in the Early Modern Period

11:30 – 13:30 Panel II: Administrative Laws and Semantics of Confession and Charity
(Chair: Andreas E. Müller)

Zachary Chitwood (Berlin)
Founding Monasteries in Ottoman Greece: An Analysis of Post-Byzantine Monastic Charters (ktetorika typika)

Tomáš Malý (Brno)
The Semantics of Charity: The Habsburg Empire before 1800

Stefano Saracino (Vienna)
Acatholic Foundations: The Emergence of Charitable Endowments in the Greek and Protestant Communities of Vienna (18th century)

15:30 – 17:30 Panel III: Austrian Endowments – Ottoman Waqfs
(Chair: Anna Ransmayr)

Kayhan Orbay (Ankara)
Imperial Waqfs within the Welfare System of the Ottoman Empire

Gabriele Schneider (Vienna)
Austrian Law on Endowments between 1750 and 1918

Dimitris Stamatopoulos (Thessaloniki)
Rum millet vs Heirs: Conflicts and Compromises on the Endowments’ Management of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Late Ottoman Empire

Friday, November 18th 2016

9:30 – 11:00 Panel IV: After the Migration: The Economics of Philanthropy
(Chair: Claudia Römer)

Ikaros Mantouvalos (Alexandroupolis)
The Scope of Philanthropic Activity by the “Greeks” of Hungary (18th – 19th century). An Initial Critical Presentation and Assessment of the Phenomenon

Nathalie Soursos (Vienna)
Financial Management of Donations, Foundations and Endowments in the Greek Communities in Vienna (1850–1918)

11:30 – 13:00 Round table: Perspectives for an Endowment History

Michael Borgolte
Peter Eigner
Michael Meyer
Claudia Römer
Maria A. Stassinopoulou


Nathalie Patricia Soursos
Stefano Saracino

Postgasse 7/1/3
1010 Wien