Friday, 4th November 2016
4:00 pm: Introduction
Andrew Tompkins (University of Sheffield)
Jan Hansen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Phillip Wagner (Universität Bielefeld)
4:15–5:30 pm: Panel I – Environmental Aftermaths of the Cold War
Marc Elie (CNRS)
‘Katastroika – How Disasters Undermined Soviet Power (1986-1991)’
Karena Kalmbach (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
‘The Accident that Happened in a Different World: Chernobyl Narratives in Western Europe’
5:30–6:00 pm: Break
6:00–7:00 pm: Keynote lecture and discussion
(The Diamond, Lecture Theatre 2)
Kate Brown (University of Maryland)
‘Seeing Double: Assessing Chernobyl Health Effects from Near and Afar’
Saturday, 5th November 2016
8:30–9:45 am: Panel II – Cultures of Secrecy
Eleni Braat (Universiteit Utrecht)
‘Secrecy as an Institution: Organizational Culture within the Dutch Security Service, 1950s–1990s’
Douglas Selvage (Bundesbeauftragte für Stasi-Unterlagen)
‘The Danger of Surprise – The East European Security Services and the “Second Cold War”, 1981-1987’
9:45–10:00 am: Coffee break
10:00–11:15 am: Panel III – Negotiating Democracy? Peace Activism in the 1980s
Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield)
‘Protest as Democratic Practice: Antinuclear Mobilisation in Greece’
Ned Richardson-Little (University of Exeter)
‘Human Rights, Peace, and Democratization in East Germany’
11:15–11:30 am: Break
11:30 am–12:45 pm: Panel IV – North and South in East and West
Christian Helm (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
‘“Nicaragua must survive!” Solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution in Germany’
Kim Christiaens (Antwerp University/Leuven University)
‘Inspired by the East? Third World Solidarity Movements, Peace Activism, and East European Dissent during the 1980s’
12:45–1:30 pm: Lunch
1:30–2:45 pm: Panel V – Medicine at the Margins
Hannah Kershaw (University of Manchester)
‘Constructing Childhoods and Locating Risks: Depictions of HIV-Positive Identities in British Children’s Media, 1983-1997’
Henning Tümmers (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
‘AIDS and AIDS Prevention in the Two Germanys’
2:45–3:00 pm: Break
3:00–4:00 pm: Concluding commentary and general discussion
Bernd Greiner (Berlin Center for Cold War Studies)