Jewish Radicalisms in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Jewish Radicalisms in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Sebastian Kunze (Erfurt), Frank Jacob (New York)
Erfurt / New York
Vom - Bis
31.01.2017 -
Kunze, Sebastian

Radical thoughts and acts are not merely a non-conformist attitude. they are usually marginal and directed against the ruling society. Thereby these radical thoughts and acts could be classified as politcally left or right, progressive or reactionary. It is often not really important, if the antagonist social concept that is criticized is based on political, social, or religious conditions. Therefore, we consider Jewish radicalism in the 19th and 20th centuries, to be not only as politically radical positions like Zionism or the (Jewish) revolutionaries of the left wing, but we include radical positions within the socio-religious daily life of Jewish communities or their religious thoughts.
The planned volume wants to further sharpen the term “Jewish Radicalism“ and provide different perspectives on the historical phenomenon. The several diverse dimensions of radicalism should be considered as well. Consequently, we are looking for proposals that will deal with these different interpretations of the radical within the political, social, and religious life of Jewish individualy, communities, or interest groups. The following topics (we appreciate proposals for topics we did not include here as well) are of a special interest:

- Jewish political radicalism in Germany, Europe and the world
- Religious radicalism within Jewish communities of the 19th and 20th centuries
- Radical Jewish nationalism and race discourse
- Jewish Feminism
- Radical Jewish philosophy
- Media of Jewish radicalism
- Comparative perspectives in specific national or international contexts
- Jewish reactions towards Jewish radicalism

To submit a proposal please send a short description of your possible contributions (max. 300 words) and a short updated CV to and until January 31, 2017. The final chapters (7,000-10,000 words) are due by July 31, 2017. The book will be in English. Authors will be provided a detailed style sheet as soon as the editors have decided about the acceptance of the proposal (at the latest in early March).



Sebastian Kunze

Universität Erfurt, Lehrstuhl für Judaistik
Nordhäuser Straße 63 99089 Erfurt