Northern Reformations

Institutt for historie og religionsvitskap Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT) - Noregs arktiske universitet
Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø, Norwegen
Vom - Bis
21.09.2017 - 22.09.2017
Dr. Ian Peter Grohse, HI, Høgskulen i Volda

In 2017 Martin Luther and the protestant reformations will be commemorated all over the world. The research project "The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway 1500-1700" (PRiNN) will contribute with an international conference looking at the reformation processes from the north.

21.-22.09.2017, Tromsø

Keynote speakers
- Dr Charlotte Methuen (University of Glasgow)
- Prof Peter Marshall (University of Warwick)

- The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway
- Siv Rasmussen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
- Roald E. Kristiansen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
- Rognald H. Bergesen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

- The Repudiated Reformation in Ireland
- Ailbhe Ó Corráin (Ulster University)
- Jan Erik Rekdal (University of Oslo)
- Cathinka Dahl Hambro (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

- Reformation and Language in the North
- Kirsi Salonen (University of Turku)
- Veturlidi Oskarsson (University of Uppsala)
- Endre Mørck (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

- Nordic Reformation Research
- Tarald Rasmussen (University of Oslo)

Call for papers

We invite all scholars to an open call for paper, deadline April 1 2017.

About the conference

What did the protestant reformations look like in the north of Europe in comparison with other parts of Europe? How did the cultural, political and economic consequences of the religious change affect the relationship between Scandinavia, the British Isles and continental Europe? Various questions related to these main themes will be discussed at the conference “Northern Reformations” in Tromsø, September 21–22, 2017.
Although still highly interesting for further scrutiny, the way in which England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland came out in the seventeenth century as fairly different results of the turbulent fifteen hundreds has been subject to much research. Looking at international reformation research today, however, we know far less about the reformation paths undertaken by the areas that today constitute the five Nordic countries and how they differ from those in the rest of Europe. These differences are not merely due to chronology; the Nordic reformations are not only later stages of the German reformations. The different northern reformations took their own, independent courses.
Within these northern European areas and today’s nation states, some highly interesting regional differences can also be traced. In the sixteenth century, the state borders of Northern Fennoscandia were not yet drawn, and Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Kvens, Karelians, Russians – and the indigenous Sámi people inhabited these vast areas. The Russians were Orthodox Christians – and so were many of the Karelians and Eastern Sámi groups. Many of the Sámi further west were well acquainted with western forms of Christianity, while still practicing traditions from their indigenous religion. These factors provided further challenges for the ruling kings and protestant theologians who set out to reform their subjects in the north.
This borderless area, with a distinct ethnic dimension, has been the main area of interest for the research project “The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway” (PRiNN) – since 2014 one of the main concerns of the multi-disciplinary research group Creating the New North (CNN). The third and last book publication from this project will be launched at the conference. In addition, there will be sessions exploring other northern dimensions of the European reformations, as well as an account of the status of current Nordic reformation research.


The conference will offer two keynote speakers, three sessions, an account of Nordic Reformation research and individual papers.

Wednesday September 20

19:00 Exhibition opening at Tromsø museum:
"Reformasjonens kirkekunst - etterlatenskaper eller fragmentestetikk"

Thursday September 21

09:00 Opening and welcome.
Lars Ivar Hansen (UiT), leader of the project "The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway" (PRiNN)

Keynote 1
Peter Marshall (University of Warwick)

The Reformation and the Idea of the North

10:30 Coffee break

10:45 Session 1: The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway

Siv Rasmussen (UiT)
Religious Practice in Sápmi - Catholic and Protestant Influences

Rognald H. Bergesen (UiT)
Images of Sami Religion in a Protracted Reformation

Roald E. Kristiansen (UiT)
The Reformation and the Sacred Kingship Tradition

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Keynote 2
Charlotte Methuen (University of Glasgow)
Orkney, Shetland and the Reformation in the North: How Scottish was the Reformation in the Northern Isles?

14:30 Individual papers

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Session 2: The Repudiated Reformation in Ireland

Ailbhe Ó Corráin (Ulster University):
The Counter-Reformation in the Work of Giolla Brighde Ó hEódhasa, Poet, Priest and Guardian of the Irish College in Louvain

Jan Erik Rekdal (University of Oslo):
The Counter-Reformation in Ireland as expressed by the Order of Friars Minor, known as the "Observants" (Franciscan friars), in the Extensive Life of Colum Cille – Betha Coluimb Chille – in 1532

Cathinka Dahl Hambro (UiT):
The Repudiated Reformation Revisited: English Attempts at Reform and Irish Expressions of Resistance

20:00 Conference dinner

23:00 Tromsø by night

September 22

09:00 Session 3: Reformation and Language in the North

Kirsi Salonen (University of Turku)
Reformation, Agricola and the Birth of the Finnish Language – How did it really go?

Veturlidi Oskarsson (University of Uppsala)
The Reformation in Iceland and its Effect on the Icelandic Language

Endre Mørck (UiT)
The Reformation and the Linguistic Situation in Norway

10:30 Coffee break

10:45 Individual papers

12:30 Lunch

Tarald Rasmussen (University of Oslo)
The Nordic Reformations: A Comparative Approach

14:30 Conclusive remarks
Sigrun Høgetveit Berg (UiT)

15:00 End of conference


Dr. Sigrun Høgetveit Berg

Institutt for historie og religionsvitskap

+47 77644584
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