Monday, 10.04.2017
13.30 h Welcome
Friedrich, Markus: Introduction
Biblical Contexts
14.00 h Gruhl, Reinhard: Inconsistencies in the Lord's bloodline? The exegetical, historical and apologetic discussion about the different genealogies of Jesus Christ among early modern authors
14.45 h Macfarlane, Kirsten: Sacred History in Secular Form: The Collaborative Production of the Genealogies prefixed to the King James Bible (1611)
15.30 h Coffee break
Cases of individual genealogists:
16.00 h Eickmeyer, Jost: The Production and Application of Genealogical Knowledge in Elias Reusner’s Academic an Poetical Work
16.45 h Kampkaspar, Dario: The difficulties of finding the source's sources. – Pleickhard von Helmstatt's pedigree charts
17.30 h Harding, Elizabeth: Estors Practische anleitung zur ANENPROBE (1750) and genealogical techniques for proving nobility
Tuesday, 11.04.2017
09.00 h Friedrich, Markus: How an early modern genealogist got his information. Jacob Wilhelm Imhoff and the respublica genealogica
09.45 h Winnerling, Tobias: Three families, two professors’ sons, one second wife, or: How to disentangle four generations of Anthonii Matthaei
10.30 h Coffee break
11.00 h Poncet, Olivier: The genealogical making of of André Duchesne (1584-1640)
11.45 h Tölle, Tom: Generation, Theft, and Dynasty in 18th-century Württemberg: Preacher Johann Ulrich Pregizer’s Genealogies
12.30 h Lunch
Dynasties and the political impact of genealogical knowledge-making
14.00 h Hecht, Michael: Production of genealogical knowledge and the invention of princely ‚dynasties‘
14.45 h Brakensiek, Stefan / Heinemann, Olav: Ancestors drawn from the shadows. The construction of the Wettin ancestry in 16th century Saxony
15.30 h Coffee break
16.00 h Al-Baghdadi, Saniye: Arbor and tabula. A visual insight into the production of genealogical knowledge at the Savoy court in the Sixteenth century
16.45 h Erdner, Sven: Leibniz´s Search for the Ancestors of Azzo II. of Este (d. 1097). His Genealogical Studies on the Origins of the House of Brunswick
Noble houses and their genealogical heritage across Europe
17.30 h Pietri, Valérie: Family papers and family tales: the making of domestic genealogies in Ancient Regime France
Wednesday, 12.04.2017
09.00 h Jettot, Stéphane: “I am ye worst genealogist in ye world but in answer to yours ye best account I will give you I believe the family came in with the conqueror”: Family input in the making of London genealogical directories in the 18th century.
09.45 h Flurschütz da Cruz, Andreas: Genealogies in the Making. (Re-)Constructing genealogical Contexts in Southern German Aristocracies (16th–18th c.)
10.30 h Coffee break
11.00 h Lurdes Rosa, Maria de: The production of genealogical knowledge for the arrangement of noble family archives in Portugal, 15th – early 19th century
11.45 h Guy, Ben: Writing Genealogy in Early Modern Wales: Sources and Practitioners
12.30 h Final Discussion:
Comment: Alexandra Walsham