Young South Asian Scholars Meet (YSASM) 2018

Young South Asian Scholars Meet (YSASM) 2018

Joanna Simonow (History of the Modern World, ETH), Mascha Schulz (Anthropology, University of Zurich), Soni (History of the Modern World, ETH) in cooperation with the South Asia Forum (SAF) and the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies of the University of Zurich.
Vom - Bis
15.06.2018 - 17.06.2018
Soni, Joanna Simonow and Mascha Schulz

Since 2010, Y-SASM has aimed to provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange among junior scholars in the field of South Asian Studies, including PhD students, early career post-docs and non-tenured faculty staff.

The theme for the conference in 2018 is ‘claims-making’. While claims-making has implicitly been a major theme in research on South Asia, theoretical understanding of the concept remains rather vague. In general, claims-making is related to certain perceptions and framings of social realities. Claims are linked to assumptions about rights or entitlements, on which demands can legitimately be based. Therefore, analysing processes of claims-making can provide complex insight into social, political and economic structures and the complex ways in which they are negotiated and consolidated. It is, however, not at all clear how the relationship between claims-making and ideological formations or moral paradigms should in fact be conceptualised. When taking a closer look at the process of claims-making, various other questions emerge, such as those about the conditions under which new claims arise or how various claims-making strategies change as a result of new spatial arrangements, technologies and different socio-political structures.

Against this backdrop, the Y-SASM conference 2018 seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum for exploring these issues. Therefore, we invite early career scholars to present their research linked to claims-making in a wide range of contexts. The conference aims at facilitating conversation between researchers from different backgrounds such as anthropology, history, geography, political science or media studies. While contributions from other places are welcomed, the main idea is to strengthen both the South Asia network within Europe as well as the academic exchange between South Asia and Europe.

The deadline for applications is 31st August 2017. For a detailed Call for Papers and information on the application procedure please visit:



Soni Soni

ETH Zurich
D-GESS/ Institute of History/ History of the Modern World
Clausiusstrasse 59
CH-8092 Zurich