European competitiveness

RESuME Project
Vom - Bis
25.06.2017 -
Alessia Virone

RESuME Papers (ISSN: 2535-8480) is a new interdisciplinary journal, published in French and English, on economic, financial and social integration in the European Union. Through its high-quality peer-reviewed articles, the journal aims to shed light on the changing nature of relations between public authorities (the state and the European Union), the market and society in the economic and social fields. The journal also looks at the development of welfare state models in the European Union and, more broadly, the question of the emergence of a European social and economic model.
RESuME Papers is published in connection with the Resources on the European socio-economic model project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme (Jean Monnet Action for institutions) and developed at the University of Luxembourg. The journal is edited by Frédéric Allemand. Each paper is evaluated by an international peer review committee. The articles are freely accessible online on an open access basis in an enhanced editorial format, via the scholarly publication platform

Call for papers on European competitiveness

During the year 2017, the focus of the journal RESuME Papers is the theme of European competitiveness.

The wide-ranging topic of competitiveness – used advisedly – has as many meanings as there are fields and areas to which it can be applied. At an individual level, the concept of competitiveness – which is different from the notion of competition – is most often used to denote the ability to respond to real or potential competition. At a collective level, according to the definition given by the European institutions, competitiveness refers to the ability of an economy to make sustainable improvements to the living standards of its inhabitants and provide them with a high level of employment and social cohesion.

To clarify this debate and offer a clearer idea of the economic, social, societal and political challenges associated with competitiveness in the European Union, authors are invited to present proposals for publication in RESuME Papers on one of the following topics:
- The multiple bases and representations of the notion of competitiveness in the European area: The aim of this first theme is to explore the origins and the theoretical and philosophical development of the concept of competitiveness and its representation within the European political and economic area.
- The empirical expression and regulation of competitiveness within the European Union: The focus of this theme is the implementation of specific policies on competitiveness and their economic, political and social impact. It will also examine the regulations and governance introduced to support and implement competitiveness via the presentation and critical discussion of case studies (countries, local authorities, companies, etc.).
- Links between competitiveness and solidarity: This last theme explores the interrelationship between competitiveness and solidarity (between states, citizens, territorial entities and industry sectors) and the impact of competitiveness on the welfare state.

Researchers from a variety of fields (law, political science, economics, contemporary history, geography, sociology and political philosophy) who are interested in this call for papers are invited to submit a subject proposal. Particular attention will be given to proposals from researchers in the early stages of their career (less than five years’ post-PhD experience).
Submission procedure

Proposals should be submitted online to the following address:
- Submission form (French version):
- Submission form (English version):

Proposals should be sent in French or English no later than Friday 30 June 2017 at 12 noon; they should outline the subject in no more than 3,000 characters. They should indicate the proposed methodology and the originality and relevance to the research themes of RESuME Papers.
Authors whose proposals are selected by the editorial committee will be informed by Friday 14 July at the latest.
Papers should be sent by Monday 25 September at 12 noon at the latest. A presentation and discussion seminar based on the papers will be held in early October 2017. Transport and accommodation costs will be covered by the organiser.

More information about the RESuME project

The Resources on the European socio-economic model (RESuME) project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme (Jean Monnet Action for institutions) and the University of Luxembourg. The aim of the project is to examine the European socio-economic model, its origins, current characteristics and future development. The project focuses on the notion of competitiveness and the interaction between society, economic players and public authorities.

The project is conducted at the University of Luxembourg under the academic coordination of Frédéric Allemand. It is supported by a peer-review committee composed of: Jean-Marc Ferry (philosopher and holder of the European Philosophy Chair at the University of Nantes), Blanche Sousi (Emeritus Professor and holder of the ad personam Jean Monnet Chair in European Banking and Monetary Law at Lyon 3 University), Manuel Lopez Escudero (Professor of Public Law at the University of Granada), Susanna Cafaro (Associate Professor of EU Law at the University of Salento), David Howarth (Professor of Political Economics at the University of Luxembourg) and Kenneth Dyson (Professor of Political Science at the University of Cardiff). The committee is chaired by Nikos Scandamis (honorary Director at the European Commission, Professor of Law at the University of Athens).

The project results are published on a specially designed publication platform, the RESuME platform: Developed using open-source software, this platform offers a new approach to academic publication by providing authors with innovative content and services.
For more information about the RESuME project:
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Follow the RESuME project on Twitter: @resume_unilu



Alessia Virone

University of Luxembourg

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