Wage in Latin-America since 1950s

Wage in Latin-America since 1950s

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay and the Wage Project, in collaboration with the International Labour Office and the MESHS Lille (France),
Universidad de la Republica, Faculty of Social Sciences
Vom - Bis
30.10.2017 - 30.10.2017
Michel-Pierre Chelini

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay and the Wage Project, in collaboration with the International Labour Office and the MESHS Lille (France), are organizing an international symposium on “Wages in Latin America since the 1950s /60s” on 30 and 31 October 2017, at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, in Montevideo.

Wages in Latin America since the 1950s /60s
30th-31st October 2017
Universidad de la República, Faculty of Social Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay

The symposium aims at:
- A general scientific inventory on the subject (by sampling themes)
- The establishment of a coordinated cross-country research program under the WAGE project
- A targeted partnership with companies and entrepreneurs: a concrete analysis of the wage strategy of companies (surveys) and of professional and employers' unions

The main themes of the symposium are:
1- Evolution of average wages and their modalities of dispersion since the 1950s / 60s
2- Relations between skills and wages (especially for young people and women).
3- Role of the wage differential in migration processes (internal / external).

The Latin American countries present a number of specific wage characteristics: a certain heterogeneity and unequal differentiation of available data, an annual average increase since the 2000s higher than that of the advanced countries, almost until 2015, but lower than that of the countries, significant gender wage gap, a high Gini coefficient, a certain weight of migration issues in national labour markets, the strained question of employability and wages of young people, some complexity in labour relations

The available literature allows a first promising inventory- The salary issues in the region concerned deserve further study and systematization: see the successive versions of the Global Wage Report, biennial since 2008, ILO, Geneva, (last copy in December 2016 for 2016/2017, on line)- Ewout Frankema, Has Latin America Always Been Unequal? A Comparative Study of Asset and Income Inequality in the Long Twentieth Century (Global Economic History Series), 2009 and Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? Looking Over the Long Run, Bértola, Luis, Williamson, Jeffrey (Eds.), Springer, 2017- Also the works of Gerardo Fujii-Gambero or Santos Ruesga for Mexico, Luis Beccaria for Argentina, Maria Camou and Silvana Maubrigades on Uruguay, etc- See for example: Luis Beccaria, Roxana Maurizio, Martin Trombetta, Gustavo Vazquez, “Income instability, in a period of improving labour and social conditions: Latin America in the 2000s”, Geneva, OIT, 4th International Conference Regulating for Decent Work, July 2015 etc.

Interested researchers, colleagues and doctoral candidates should contact the organizers before September, 10, 2017, and send a paper proposal (short summary of less than one page) with a CV.

- Submission of paper proposals: before 10 September 2017
- Finalization of the selected proposals: 20 September 2017
- Send of a summary and PowerPoint presentation by the communicants to the organizers: 15 October 2017.
- Colloquium: 30-31 October 2017

Submissions should be sent jointly to the following contacts:
Pr- Michel-Pierre Chélini, Université d’Artois : mpchelini@gmail.com
Pr- Maria-Magdalena Camou, Universidad de la Republica:
Pr- Silvana Maubrigades, Universidad de la Republica:

Location: Programa de Historia Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales/ Universidad de la República Constituyente 1502 - Piso 4, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay

Language: English
Papers in Spanish can be accepted, but have to be presented in English

Support: the speakers and participants have to take care of their journey, possibility of accommodation

Steering committee:
Leonid Borodkin, University Lomonossov Moscow, Russia
Maria-Magdalena Camou, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Ur.
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Université d’Artois, Arras, Fr-
Aomar Ibourk, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morroco
Silvana Maubrigades, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Ur.
Humberto Morales, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

Network and project WAGE:
One organiser of the symposium, the international research group WAGE, was founded in 2015 and groups several European and non-European universities- The Geneva ILO is currently its main institutional partner- It is working specifically on wage inequalities and on the international convergence of wages over the long term- It has already benefited from the support of the National Agency for Research (France), the ANR, in 2015-17.

1- Examine the role of wages in global economic growth since the 1950s (payroll: 50% of GDP and 70% of household income in advanced countries, 35/40% of GDP and 50% of household income in emerging countries) by incorporating studies on emerging countries and former socialist countries
2- Evaluate the possibilities and conditions of wage convergence both intra-continental and intercontinental- A phenomena of convergence is already observed worldwide by the Global Wage Report 2014-15, p- 20- Cf- HOS theorem on the trend equalization of factor costs and income with equal qualifications- [For example, average inter-state wage differentials within Europe: from 1 to 6 nominal and 1 to 2.5 / 3 in PPPs].
3- Quantify and qualify the role of this wage differential in migratory movements and economic competition- Do the statistical discrepancies consistently reflect socio-economic disparities? (Necessary comparison with Gini index, D9 / D1 gap, gender gap, minimum wage etc.)
4- Analysis of wage strategies: strategy of companies (and professional unions) with the establishment of programs of research with the entrepreneurs, evolution of the industrial relations, public policies of the wages,
5- Contributing to a reduction in wage inequalities in general, with a view to better regional, national, continental social cohesion and possible additional growth.



Michel-Pierre Chelini

Université d'Artois 62030 Arras France


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