Intelligence History: Young Researcher Forum

Intelligence History: Young Researcher Forum

Network of Junior Researchers in Intelligence History (NJRIH), the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), and the Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (ACIPSS)
Bildungshaus Mariatrost
Vom - Bis
08.06.2018 - 10.06.2018
Anna Abelmann

The Network of Junior Researchers in Intelligence History (NJRIH), the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), and the Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (ACIPSS) call for submissions to the Young Researchers Forum at the 2018 IIHA Annual Conference.

The NJRIH provides a forum for young scholars working in the field of intelligence studies to discuss their work with their peers as well as established scholars and researchers in the field.
The annual conference of the IIHA will take part in Graz, Austria, from June 8 to 10, 2018. During this conference, young scholars in the field of Intelligence Studies can present their current research – such as master theses or PhD projects. Participants are welcome to present their work in progress, give an overview of their project, discuss case studies with the group, or focus on methodological or theoretical questions. There is no topical restriction, and we welcome contributions from different disciplines such as history, political science, cultural studies and science.
In order to have enough time for discussions, presentations should be about 10 minutes.
Submission and deadline
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract of ca. 250 words by April 9, 2018. Your proposal should include a brief CV stating your academic background, your university affiliation, your research interests, and the current status of your project. We especially encourage young researchers who have little or no conference experience to participate and present their current research.
Please send all proposals to:
Acceptance notifications will go out by the end of April 2018.
IIHA Annual Conference 2018
Further information regarding the 2018 IIHA conference in Graz, including the conference programme, travel directions, accommodation and more, will be available on the IIHA website:



C. Backerra

INetwork of Junior Researchers in Intelligence History