Colloquia Russica IX: „Rus’ and Poland (10th–14th centuries)”

Colloquia Russica IX: „Rus’ and Poland (10th–14th centuries)”

Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; Przemyska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Ignacego Krasickiego; Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu; Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli
From - Until
05.12.2018 - 08.12.2018
Sven Jaros

The annual "Colloquia Russica" invites to Przemyśl!

Suggested topics:
- Political contacts between Rus' and Poland
- Dynastic relations between Rus'ian and Polish rulers
- Cultural interactions between the Rus'ian and Polish lands
- Religious contacts
- Trading connections
- social interactions

Conference languages: all Slavic languages and English.
Chronological range: the 10th–14th centuries.

Participation in the conference:

- The conference is directed mainly towards young researchers, but it is also open for students, graduates and PhD candidates.
- During the conference there will be a variety of panel discussion, open presentations, round tabel discussions, poster sessions as well as the presentation of recently published books.
- The academics that will give the open lectures, members of the debates are going to be invited individually by the organisers of the conference.

- The date 25th June 2018 is final for sending a filled-up application form (attachment no. 1) and the summary of your paper (1500-2500 signs). Incomplete forms or the ones without full personal data will not be accepted). Attention: it is necessary to send the abstracts in two versions – on the language speech and in English.

- To receive an application form, please contact:
- The organisers of the conference reserve the right to make a selection from the reported papers. The list of accepted participants (papers/posters) will be announced until the 30th Juny 2018.
- The charge for participation is 15 Euro (60 zł) and it will be collected with the registration of participants during the opening of the conference.

Additional information:

- During the conference participants are provided with meals (lunch) and accommodation.
- Participants bear their own journey costs.
- Poster presentation should not be longer than 14 minutes.
- Every 4–6 lectures will be followed by a 15–30 minutes discussion.
- The organisers provide translation of during the debates.
- Publications from the conference will be delivered after it, in the ninth volume of the Colloquia Russica Series I
- In order to being printed, your paper should be sent up to the December 15, 2018. The paper’s requirements will be submitted after the announcement of the list of participants. Attention: the texts will be accepted for publication in Englisch, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian.
- A variety of different cultural events is planned within the days of the conference.


Information for guests/auditors:

- There is a possibility to participate in the conference as a guest/auditor;
- The organisers may book places in hotels for the guests/auditors;
- The organisers don’t bear the costs of the guests/auditorsaccommodation;

Contact (announcement)

Vitaliy Nagirnyy

Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

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