Close Distance (Heisenberg-Stipendium) Workshops 2018

Close Distance (Heisenberg-Stipendium) Workshops 2018

Prof./PD Cornel Zwierlein, Heisenberg-Stipendiat am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte u. Landesgeschichte, Univ. Bamberg
Bamberg, Erfurt, Berlin, Münster
Vom - Bis
19.06.2018 - 26.09.2018
Cornel Zwierlein

Forthcoming Workshops and Events in 2018 of the DFG-Heisenberg Stipendium "Close Distance. Eine Wissensgeschichte europäischer Händlerkolonien in der Levante, 17. bis 19. Jh" in collaboration with the Anneliese-Maier-Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation.


Bamberg University, June 19


Workshop on Late Medieval and Early Modern Inventories

with Professor Daniel Smail (Late Medieval History, Harvard University)

An intensive dialogue between theory and sources: what is an inventory? what are its forms and the organization of its narrative? how do the social, linguistic and cultural contexts shape its content? what are advantages and disadvantages of quantitative vs. qualitative forms of inventory analysis? what can we learn of inventories about culture, arts, reading culture, beyond the ´material culture´ of households?

Prof. Dr. Daniel Smail: Reading and Interpreting Household Inventories: A Methodological Essay

- Testing Theory on the Sources -

Prof. Dr. Mark Häberlein (Bamberg): A heritage contract with inventory by the Salzburg merchant Franz Anton Spängler from 1784

PD Dr. Magnus Ressel (Frankfurt): Inventories from eighteenth century Merchant records (Lyon, Venice)

PD Dr. Heinrich Lang (Bamberg): The household of a cardinal, Giovanni Salviati

Prof./PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Bamberg/Erfurt): Inventories of French and British eighteenth century merchants and consuls in the Mediterranean

This workshop is open to the public and is also linked with the Oberseminar of the chair of Early Modern History and Regional History, Bamberg.

Place: Am Kranen 14, Raum 00.03

96047 Bamberg

If interested to attend, please contact

June 20, 2018

Guest lecture at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Daniel Smail (Harvard): Making Lists in Late Medieval Europe

Steinplatz 2, Seminarraum 706 b, 6. Etage,

10.15-12.00 h

Workshop at the occasion of the delivery of an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation´s Anneliese-Maier Award 2018 to

Professor Dr. Alan Mikhail (Yale University)

Inauguration of the Humboldt Yale History network and its travel-grant program with an open-theme discussion on "The Early Modern World"

Berlin, September 11

Erik de Lange (Univ. Utrecht): A sea of threat. Piracy, security and empire in the Mediterranean of the early nineteenth century

Henning Schuler (EUI Florence): The Perception of the Levant by British and French Consuls at the close of the Eighteenth Century

Kathrin Kleemann (Rachel-Carson Center, LMU Munich): A Mist Connection: The Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783

Fredrik Kämpe (University of Stockholm): Convoys, Tributes, and Consuls – The Swedish Convoy Office and the Safety of Neutral Shipping in the Mediterranean 1724–1867

Sebastian Jeßegus (Univ. Bochum): Cusanus haereticus? The reception of the DCC in post-Tridentine Rome

PD Dr Heinrich Lang (University of Bamberg): Levantine Objects as seen through Florentine accounting practices in the 16th century

Dr Johann Petitjean (Univ. Poitiers): News and the shape of the Mediterranean, 16th-17th century

Dr Onur Idal (Univ. Hamburg): Izmir and Its Hinterland: An Environmental History of an Ottoman Port-City

Prof. Dr. Yavuz Köse (Univ. Hamburg): Title TBA

Prof./PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Bamberg/Erfurt): Transcultural hybrid zones and/or Laboratories of Segregation? - European Merchant Colonies in the Levant

This workshop is not open to the public due to the occasion of the award ceremony, but in case of interest on some of the contents, please contact

Panel on the Historikertag Münster 2018 (together with Dr Florian Wagner, Erfurt/Berkeley)

Close Distance. Soziale Segregation in Handelsimperien und Kolonien

Wednesday, September 26, 9 to 11 AM, room JO1

Prof./PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Univ. Bamberg/Erfurt) / Dr. Florian Wagner (Univ. Erfurt): Introduction

Prof. Dr. Remco Raben (Univ. Utrecht/Amsterdam): Moral communities in Dutch Asia: Trust and exclusion in colonial societies in the 18th century

Ass. Prof./Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black (Univ. Leiden): Governing Diversity: The role of Governing Councils in fostering racial and religious plurality in the Dutch Atlantic, 1650-1800

Prof. /PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (Univ. Bamberg/Erfurt): Ignoring the Other´s Religion. Western Merchant Colonies in the Levant and the Eastern Churches, 1650-1800

Dr. Florian Wagner (Univ. Erfurt): Kulturrelativismus, Arbeitsmigration und Rassensegregation im kolonialen Afrika (1890-1930er)

Dr. Stephanie Lämmert (Max Planck Institute for Human Development): Unverständnis oder Ignoranz: Ungehörte politische Imagination afrikanischer AkteurInnen im spätkolonialen Tanganyika


Cornel Zwierlein

Heisenberg-Stipendiat am
Lehrstuhl Frühe Neuzeit, Univ. Bamberg