Circulation of People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulations of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

Circulation of People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulations of Words and Images in Premodern Societies

New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study
Vom - Bis
04.06.2018 - 05.06.2018
Nicoleta Roman

International workshop ”Circulation of People, Objects and Languages across the Empires. Interference and Circulations of Words and Images in Premodern Societies”


9.45–10.00 Welcome and Opening remarks

10.00–11.40 Session I: People and Identities Across the Empires

Chair and discussant: Barbara STOLLBERG-RILINGER (University of Münster)

Michał WASIUCIONEK (New Europe College, Bucharest): Greek as Ottoman?

Maria PAKUCS ("Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History & New Europe College, Bucharest): Being a Greek in 17th century Transylvania: Business Ties and Linguistic Integration

Constanţa VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU ("Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History & New Europe College, Bucharest): ”Le Coquin Grec” vs. ”le Véritable François”. Being a Foreigner in the Danubian Principalities, 18th – Early 19th Centuries.

11.40–12.00 Coffee Break

12.00–13.40 Session II: Languages and Objects

Chair and discussant: Daniel SCHÖNPFLUG (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)

Hedda REINDL-KIEL (University of Bonn): Used Garments for the Royal Palace: Observations on kadīm (old), müsta’mel (used), köhne (shabby) and nev-zuhūr (newfangled) in Ottoman Material Culture

Tülay ARTAN (Sabancı University, Istanbul): Circulation of Antiques and Luxury: Paul Lucas’s Travels through Europe, Asia, and Part of Africa

Nicoleta ROMAN ("Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History & New Europe College, Bucharest): Memorabilia - Mapping Resources on Luxury and Fashion in (Pre)modern Southeastern Europe

13.40–15.00 Lunch

15.00–17.15 Session III: Words/Languages of the Diplomacy

Chair and discussant: Stefan ROHDEWALD (University of Giessen)

Giulia CALVI (University of Siena & New Europe College, Bucharest): Translating between Cultures, Translating between Languages. Scientific and Diplomatic Networks in the Circulation of Knowledge

Tetiana GRYGORIEVA (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv): Enriching Vocabulary: Polish Ambassadors explore Ottoman Constantinople

David CELETTI (University of Padua & New Europe College, Bucharest): Ottomans and French in late 18th Century Crete. Trade, Diplomacy, and Personal Encounters

David DO PAÇO (Centre et Département d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris): Beyond Incommensurability: The Overlapping Circles of Social Belonging of Imperial Agents between Austria and the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century


10.00–11.40 Session IV: Languages of the Historical Changes

Chair and discussant: Mihai-Răzvan UNGUREANU (University of Bucharest)

Alex DRACE-FRANCIS (University of Amsterdam & New Europe College, Bucharest): Ornament, Instrument, Testament: The spread of Romanian Writing and Printing in Eighteenth-century Moldavia and Wallachia

Sorin GRIGORUŢĂ ("A. D. Xenopol" Institute of History, Iași): Physicians, Medicalization and Modernization in Moldavia (The First Half of the 19th Century)

Artemis YAGOU (Deutsches Museum, Munich & New Europe College, Bucharest): "Αι των Πραγμάτων Μόδαι": New Words for Novel Practices

11.40–12.00 Coffee Break

12.00–13.40 SessionV: Words and Everyday Life

Chair and discussant: Ovidiu CRISTEA ("Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History, Bucharest)

Radu PĂUN (CNRS, Paris): Donare con dignità. Venetian Sources for an Anthropology of Gift-giving in Ottoman Constantinople, 16th Century

Liviu PILAT (University of Iaşi & New Europe College, Bucharest): Piskesh, Rushfet, and the Economy of Power in Sixteenth-Century Moldavia

Robert BORN (GWZO Leipzig): Black Soup and Turkish Boots. Oriental Commodities and Luxury Items in Hungary and Transylvania

13.40–15.00 Lunch

15.00–16.40 Session VI: Interaction of Lands/Interaction of Languages

Chair and discussant: Alex DRACE-FRANCIS (University of Amsterdam & New Europe College, Bucharest)

Constantin ARDELEANU (University of Galați & New Europe College, Bucharest): Language Interactions along the Danube (mid-1830s–mid-1850s)

Dimitrios KONTOGEORGIS (Ionian University): Revoltantă şi degradatoare demnităţii Naţionale…”. A sacred tongue, a traditional presence or an insidious enemy? The conflict on the use of the Greek language in churches and schools during the Cuza era (1859-1866)

Anastasia FALIEROU (Academy of Athens & New Europe College, Bucharest): Ottoman Women’s Press as Agent of Cultural Transfers

16.40–17.00 Coffee Break

17.00–18.30 Round Table: Ottoman Studies and South-Eastern Europe

Chair: Hedda REINDL-KIEL (University of Bonn)

Stefan ROHDEWALD (University of Giessen): Transottomanica: Eastern European Ottoman–Persian Mobility Dynamics

Robert BORN (GWZO Leipzig): The Ottoman Tributaries Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia as Communication Spaces (16th–18th Centuries): Reflections on the Mobility of Objects, Network of Actors and Transfer of Ideas from an Art Historical Perspective

Constanţa VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU ("Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History & New Europe College, Bucharest): Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe

Conference convened by Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu within the ERC Project LuxFass no. No 646489 ( hosted by New Europe College, Bucharest (


Nicoleta Roman /
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