AAH Annual Conference, Session "Survey Style: Landscape Photography around the Globe"

AAH Annual Conference, Session "Survey Style: Landscape Photography around the Globe"

Association for Art History
University of Brighton
United Kingdom
From - Until
04.04.2019 - 06.04.2019
Sophie Junge

Chairs: Erin Hyde Nolan (Maine College of Art) and Sophie Junge (University of Zurich)

In the second half of the 19th century, photographic processes and the popularity of landscape representations evolved simultaneously. It is, therefore, not surprising that a shared pictorial language used for topographical views developed during this time period. Such practices not only shaped Euro-American territorial expansion, but also legitimated non-Western politics in the name of (proto-)national identity (Kelsey, 2007). As an international photographic survey movement, this trend gestured in many directions. It visualised the 19th-century desire to control, own, map as well as render and reproduce both the diversity and familiarity of the landscape (Edwards, 2012). Recent scholarship has treated survey images as cultural ‘portraits’, which embody political ideologies and act as agents of power (Smith, 2009; Mitchell 1994). In light of recent debates regarding travel bans, the tenets of citizenship and migration, and the context, content and collection of such projects warrants renewed attention, especially their status as relics of the colonial enterprise.

This session seeks to expand the field of landscape photography and understand how the temporal and historical dynamics of place materialise through survey documentation. How do photographic conceptualisations of landscape from different locations relate to one another? By what means were scientific discourses on geography and anthropology entwined with imperialist ideologies, and in what ways do they manifest in photographs, exhibitions and archives? How do land surveys relate to conventions of portraiture, and fashion both individual and collective selfhood? Panelists should offer a fresh approach to the material, applying transnational methodologies to landscape photography from across the globe.

Proposed abstracts of 250 words maximum should be sent directly to the session convenors, Erin Hyde Nolan (ehnolan@meca.edu) and Sophie Junge (Sophieantonia.junge@uzh.ch), by no later than Monday 5th November 2018.

About the Conference:

The Association for Art History's Annual Conference showcases current research and critical debate about art history and visual culture. It takes place over 3 days throughout the UK, bringing together current research and critical debate about art, art history and visual culture.

The Annual conference is an opportunity to keep up to date with emerging research, hear leading keynotes, broaden networks and exchange ideas. It attracts over 500 delegates, speakers and publishers each year. Members of the Association for Art History get reduced conference rates.


Contact (announcement)

Sophie Junge

Kunsthistorisches Institut
Rämistrasse 73, 8006 Zürich


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