young urban(H)IST conference

young urban(H)IST conference

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; Universidad de Valladolid; Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Karlskrona
Vom - Bis
01.10.2018 - 02.10.2018
Pekar, Martin

We are looking forward to meeting all participants of young urban(H)IST conference In Košice, Slovakia. The event is organised as a part of the all-network meeting, Network-Wide Workshop Week IV of urbanHIST project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.


Monday, 1 October 2018
Opening keynote lecture
Peter A. Clark (University of Helsinki): European Cities in Comparative Perspective

Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Ondřej Jirásek
Changes of Public Space and its Symbolism in Spain during Early Francoism, Case Study of Valladolid 1936 – 1959

Patrícia Fogelová
Housing Building in Slovak Republic (1939 – 1945), Legislative Frameworks and Case Study of Prešov

Elvira Khairullina
Modifying People’s Displacement, Zoning and Tramway Network Planning Interaction in Socialist Urban Development in the 1960-70s

Agnès Dudych
A Parallel Development of Housing Estates, an Interpretation of Modernity in France and Czechoslovakia

Azmah Arzmi
A Comparison of Institutions that Shaped Urban Planning in the Central-planned Economies of the GDR and ČSSR from 1970s to 1980s

Natalia Otrishchenko
Exploring Urban Environments of the Late Socialism, Sykhiv Summer School

Maitri Dore
Politics with Brick and Mortar, Nation-building through Architecture in Post-socialist Budapest, Viewed through a Postcolonial Lens

Adam Górka
One Picture Equals Thousand Words, Understanding of the Morphological Changes in a Post-socialist City by Using GIS and Virtual 3D City Model

Ksenija Krsmanović
Emergence and Relevance of Urban Waterfront Transformations in European Cities in the Second Half of the 20th Century

Federico Camerin
From “Ribera Plan” to “22@” Plan, Passing through 1992 Vila Olímpica : How Urban Rent Eventually Took Place in Poblenou District (Barcelona) by the Management of Industrial and Railway Great Properties

Eva Vaništa Lazarević – Aleksandar Grujičić – Mina Vučković
Towards Human Dimension and Harmony of New and Old, the Reconstruction of The Knez Mihailova Street

Susanna Weddige
Artistic Approaches and Patterns in Early German-Language Town Planning Literature

Helene Bihlmaier
The Image in Early Anglophone Town Planning Literature

Andrea Gimeno Sánchez
Archaeology of Future Sustainability, ARARAT Exhibition

Aliaksander Shuba
Common or Distinctive Understanding of Urbanism or Urbanistyka by Russian, Ukrainian and Czech Scholars?

Noel Antonio Manzano Gómez
European Informal Urbanization through the 20th century, a historiography

Ilona Hadasch
Urbanism as Discipline in Both German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany around 1970, Case Studies of Weimar and Kassel

Marcelo Sagot Better
The First Thirty Years of Housing Exhibitions, From Art to the New Objectivity

Andreea Blaga
Planning for Growth and Social Welfare

Miguel Fernández-Maroto
Planning for Growth, Effects of Economic Policy on Urban Planning during the “Spanish Miracle” (1959 – 1975) : Valladolid as an Example

Agnieszka Kania
Cultural Heritage as an Important Component of Urban Research, the Case of Vilnius in Interwar Period

Jovana Vukčević
Beyond Nostalgia, Resilient Urban Structures and Changing Memory Narratives in Post-socialist City



Patricia Fogelova

Department of History, Moyzesova 9, SK-04001 Košice

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